Hope for a Country in Which All Women & Children Can Thrive

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Dear John,

Hope for a Country in Which All Women & Children Can Thrive

This is a great and important day for America – last week’s election will make us all safer and healthier and our democracy stronger. This historic election of President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will bring the empathy, civility, and decency our country so deeply needs and deserves. Most of all, they will work to unite us at this critical time when divisions run deep. We welcome the focus they will bring to tackling our most urgent crises including controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, strengthening our health care system, eliminating health disparities, combating structural racism, and rebuilding our economy so it is fair, and just, and gives us all the chance to succeed.


Today, we also underscore the incredible effort of Black women who, in particular, strategically and tirelessly organized to make this day possible – a day when the first woman, the first Black woman, the first South Asian woman, and the first child of immigrants – will become vice president of the United States.


President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris are both among the strongest violence prevention champions ever to serve in Congress, with proud histories of taking meaningful action to prevent childhood trauma, stop sexual and domestic violence, end human trafficking, and support all survivors of violence so they can heal and thrive. They will be among the strongest violence prevention champions ever to serve in the White House.


At Futures Without Violence, we have worked closely with both for decades. Kamala Harris has been a friend and ally to our organization even before she became California’s Attorney General. While she held that office, we were proud to work with her when she led groundbreaking initiatives to help keep children of color from being pushed out of school and heal children who survived trauma. Such priorities are not typical for attorneys general, but they remain unwavering priorities for her. Joe Biden has championed the Violence Against Women Act since its inception and throughout its twenty-five year history. Further, we worked closely with him to create the International Violence Against Women Act.


At a time when Congress has failed to do something as important as reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, we welcome their election and greatly look forward to continuing our work with them to stop violence against women and children in all its forms and to help heal our economy, our health, and our country.
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President



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