Dear Wisdems Supporter,
Thank you!!
It’s because of YOU that we won Wisconsin and, effectively, stopped any chance of Trump winning an electoral college victory.
It’s because of you that we were able to enact a year-round organizing program that we scaled and grew every day until election day.
It’s because of you that we were able to hire more organizers in more places than ever before.
Every dollar you chipped in. Every call you made. Every text you sent. With a margin of 20,000 votes, everything you did made a difference and I couldn’t be more grateful.
In many senses,
our work here in Wisconsin is just getting started. At the beginning of the cycle, we laid out a strategy called WISCO.
W - Win the spring election; use it as a rehearsal for fall
I - Inspire/recruit/train at the Dem National Convention
S - Save the veto—stop GOP supermajorities
C - Cancel Trump's 2nd inaugural
O - Organize for the long term
We have accomplished the “WISC” in our plan.
Now what’s left is the “O” — organizing for the future.
April 2021 is our next statewide election for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This is the position that Tony Evers held before he became our Governor. At a time when the GOP is laser-focused on destroying public education in Wisconsin and across the country, this is a must-win election.
After that election, in May, we’ll mount a fight to redraw legislative maps to make them more fair. Because we saved Governor Ever’s veto this past Tuesday, we’re going to enter that fight from a position of strength.
Then in 2022, we’ll fight in every race from the State Assembly to defeating U.S. Senator Ron Johnson to—critically—re-electing Governor Tony Evers.
The balance of power in Wisconsin and in the U.S. Senate could hinge on how strong the WisDems are over the next two years. And that’s where you come in.
YOU were our superpower this year. You were why we won Wisconsin for Joe Biden. You were the reason we “Saved The Veto.” And you will be why we continue to win in 2021 and 2022.
Will you commit to supporting the Democratic Party of Wisconsin in 2021 and 2022?
Yes, I will chip in monthly to continue to support the wonderful WisDems!
You donating a few bucks every month allows us to plan and budget for the long-term. Anything you can give monthly makes a huge difference.
Thanks for all you do,
Ben Wikler, Chair, WisDems