
We are still celebrating last week’s big win for President-elect Joe Biden. He will be the strongest gun safety champion in the White House, pledging to make our schools, places of worship, families, and neighborhoods safer. 

Our organizers and volunteers spent hours texting, calling and writing letters to ensure voters understood gun safety was on the ballot. I’m proud of their work, which would have been impossible without your support. So take a moment, breathe and celebrate (maybe even air hug a friend). 

While we are all celebrating Joe Biden’s win and the end of a dark era, the story is less promising in Harrisburg. Without a gun safety majority in either chamber of the state legislature, we have a choice ahead of us:

  1. We can sit back now that Donald Trump is defeated and wait for the next state attack on gun safety policy.
  2. We can charge forward with a bold strategy to keep our communities safe from surging gun violence.

You know my choice (hint it’s number 2). 

In the coming days, our team will roll out a new campaign to build an even bigger, focused gun safety movement in the Commonwealth. From the surging gun violence in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to the increased risk of gun suicides for first-time owners, our plan will help reduce the full spectrum of gun violence. It is not going to be easy. We'll need faith leaders, doctors, nurses, survivors, and community leaders to call for solutions to the epidemic that takes the lives of nearly 1,600 Pennsylvanians every year. 

And we'll need you. You've helped disarm abusers and expand background checks. We've created new tools to address illegal firearm trafficking. We've defended municipalities trying to address gun violence in court. 

So stay tuned because together we're going to make our communities safer.

Today, we celebrate the opportunity. Tomorrow, we get to work.


Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director

PS. The job isn’t done until we end the gun violence epidemic. If you want to put your energy towards making communities safer, sign up to volunteer with one of our local organizers.

P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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