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I wrote to you yesterday reflecting on the last four years and our
work to push back on federal interference in DC values. And I told you
I would be writing again today as we get back to work on our shared
priorities. Below are updates on a wide range of issues from helping
small businesses to protecting residents from eviction to
strengthening our antitrust laws. Let's dive in!
Quick Links: Brickies! | Ward 6 Comp Plan| COVID Alerts to
Your Phone | Small Biz Bill | Black Restaurant Week | Gun
Violence | Karon Hylton |Antitrust Bill Advances |DCPS
Delays Return | Stronger Eviction
Notifications | Leaf Collection Schedule | Unemployment Extension | Testing Locations | Free
Meals | Rent Help | Mortgage Help | Volunteer | Diapers | Groceries
Announcing The 2020 (Virtual) Brickies - December 3,
I'm excited to announce the 14th Annual Ward 6
Brickie Awards will return on Thursday, December 3. Because it is
2020, it will be yet one more tradition we'll have to move online in
order to be safe -- sadly, we won't be able to celebrate together in
person this year. But I wouldn't miss this important Ward 6 tradition
for anything, and I hope you'll still plan to join in! If you're new
to the neighborhood, the Brickies are an annual event (14 years and
counting!) when Ward 6 comes together to give out literal bricks as
awards to our neighbors and community organizations who have gone
above and beyond in "building" Ward 6 in the past year. The photo to
the right is from last year's Brickies at the brand new DC Water
In a normal year, we receive generous donations from Ward 6 and DC
businesses of food and drink. Given the challenges facing our favorite
restaurants, bars, and small businesses during this pandemic, this
year I'm planning ways we can support our businesses as part of the
virtual Brickies. More to come on that front. Two steps to take
here to be sure you receive all the info to participate.
a neighbor or two for a Brickie award here.
Ward 6 Comp Plan Meeting - November 17,
One of the most important public planning processes is moving
forward and it will determine how we build our city of tomorrow and
for whom. The DC Council will have a hearing on the next steps for the
Plan on Thursday, November 12 and Friday, November 13. There's an
enormous amount of attention and testimony that will be presented at
this hearing. I want to be sure I hear from my Ward 6 neighbors and
organizations, so I'll be holding a virtual meeting on Tuesday,
November 17, at 6:30 pm if you want to share your priorities or
concerns with me. This one will feel a lot like a hearing, because I
want to give folks a chance to weigh in with me and share their
priorities. I will start the meeting providing an overview of the Comp
Plan as drafted, so tune in even if you just want to understand why it
is important.
To testify, email Chris Laskowski on my team ([email protected])
with the subject line "Ward 6 Comp Plan Sign-Up." Assuming we have a
lot of interest, please plan to limit testimony to two minutes so we
can accommodate as many Ward 6 neighbors as possible.
Have You Activated COVID Exposure Notifications on your
Given the national spike in the spread of the novel coronavirus, we
need to be using every tool to track, inform, and stop the spread
here. Along with the use of masks and physical distancing, tracking
and quickly informing people who might have been exposed can be a
major tool as we try to get back to normal under this pandemic. If you
haven't already, make sure you activate the DC COVID Alert app. More
info here on how to activate it on your phone.
Help for Small Businesses Advances
Earlier this month, the Committee on Business and Economic
Development advanced important legislation aimed squarely at helping
our small and local businesses. I've posted a longer update on what
the bill contains on Facebook
and Instagram,
but many measures were included by Committee Chair Councilmember
Kenyan McDuffie from two bills I introduced
last fall. I felt these bills offered important support for our
small businesses before the pandemic, but now they are going to be
critical to provide investments in long-time businesses and newer
businesses as we look to recover from the pandemic and recession after
a long winter. The bill, available
here, combines a few different approaches to make it easier to be
a small business in the District.
- It creates a new category of "Legacy Businesses" that have been
operating in the District for 15 years or longer that will make these
businesses eligible for extra support;
- Uses the District's excellent financial health to give small
businesses equal footing when competing for commercial space leases
with national brands;
- Gives the Department of Small and Local Business Development new
tools to support small businesses moving forward.
The full Council will vote on the bill at a legislative meeting
later this month.
DMV Black Restaurant Week is Happening - November 8-15.
Welcome to the 2020 DMV Black Restaurant Week. Knowing how
challenging the COVID-19 pandemic has been for our small businesses,
including restaurants and the people who have made their career in the
service industry. Make a point this week to find
a participating restaurant and get takeout or enjoy outdoor dining
(be safe, wear a mask, and only if you feel well) to support our
Black-owned restaurants.
Gun Violence & Next Steps
Like many cities around the country, DC has witnessed gun violence
increase during the pandemic. This is in part because so many of the
tools we use to reach people in crises or at-risk - such as programs
at recreation centers and libraries, after-school programming at our
schools, in-person violence reduction efforts, and more - are closed
or greatly curtailed due to COVID. In Ward 6 yesterday, three
different neighborhoods experienced gun violence and people were hurt.
And of course, gun violence took place in many other parts of our city
as well. I've spoken with MPD leadership and they are investigating
each of these shootings, neighbors have shared video and witness
accounts, and illegal guns have already been recovered. But we also
know public safety must go beyond MPD's response and action after the
trigger has been pulled. I believe we have to treat gun violence as
the public health emergency that it is and that all the levers of
government should be brought to prevent violence before it takes
place. That's why this summer, I created the city's first Gun Violence
Prevention Director. It's an outgrowth of the great advocacy from Moms
Demand Action and others that share a desire to end gun violence in
our city. Applications have been pouring in and the city is moving
forward in creating this new effort - seated at the top levels of
government to ensure that they can marshal every agency and effort to
combat gun violence in any form. This is just one more way we're creating specific action steps
to put strategies into practice to fight violence and ensure safe
communities for all neighbors.
Karon Hylton Should Be Alive Today
On Friday, October 23, Karon Hylton-Brown died riding an electric
moped in a collusion that resulted from a police chase when four
officers tried to initiate a traffic stop after allegedly witnessing
Karon riding without a helmet on the sidewalk. After reviewing limited
body-worn camera footage, I released this
statement and discussed this tragic loss on the
Kojo Nnamdi Show. Karon was 20 years old and had become a father
just three months before to a baby girl. The Metropolitan Police
Department maintains a 'no chase' policy with only a few exceptions to
avoid a tragedy exactly like this. To this point, MPD has not provided
an explanation that would justify the pursuit, though a review by the
US Attorney's Office is underway. It will almost certainly be followed
by an internal investigation by MPD. There is much we do not know
about the beginning of this interaction. Last week, the Mayor released
limited body-worn camera footage from two of the four officers
involved, in line with the requirements I led the Council to implement
this year. However, it appears none of the officers activated their
body-worn cameras until after the collision took place, in violation
of department policy. As Chair of the Council's Committee on the
Judiciary and Public Safety, I will work with my Council colleagues to
ensure a transparent and thorough investigation into what
Strengthening Antitrust Laws to Protect DC Residents
Also in my role as Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary and
Public Safety, late last month I held a mark-up vote to advance
legislation to strengthen DC's laws around antitrust lawsuits brought
by District Attorney General Karl Racine on behalf of District
residents and businesses. The bill passed unanimously. Our antitrust
laws are outdated and limited, and the result is there's a very low
penalty for businesses that violate antitrust laws to gain an unfair
competitive advantage. The bill brings the District into line with
around 40 other states' laws, including dramatically strengthening the
District's hand in civil lawsuits. This bill now advances to the full
Council for a first vote, likely on Tuesday, November 17.
DC Public Schools Delays Return to In-Person Classes
I was glad to see DCPS Chancellor Lewis Ferebee announce DCPS would
rework implementation of its plan to resume limited in-person
instruction. After the initial announcement, the Council held a
roundtable with the Chancellor to walk through the proposed plan and
pushed back on a number of areas where parents, teachers, and
lawmakers had serious concerns. I hope we will see DCPS leaders work
to earn the trust of parents and involve teachers in shaping what a
safe return to in-person school should look like and when. As a DCPS
parent myself, I promise you I cannot wait for the day I can safely
send my kids back into their classrooms. And for students with
learning loss or that need more robust supports that are found in
school (but hard to deliver at home), the city needs a successful plan
in place. But the plans they outlined didn't include what was needed
for our student and teacher safety, didn't work equitably to bring
students most in need back safely, and didn't bring many voices into
the planning process the way it was needed. More than ever, trust is
needed with all of our school communities to support our students and
eventually get back to in-person school. More
from DCist.
Related: I was able to visit Good
Projects DC, which has created a safe and reliable place for
students living in Greenleaf, Syphax, and James' Creek to participate
in virtual learning and give their parents time back during the day. I
was impressed by the safety protocols in place and the ingenuity of
this non-profit to pull together support and resources to help each
student. And I've committed to helping marshal whatever support can be
offered from DC government to encourage more of this kind of creative
and fast-acting community work. A
few more photos on Instagram.
Unemployment Benefits Extended Another 7
This week the Council voted to extend unemployment benefits another
seven weeks, taking advantage of federal funding that can help keep a
lifeline to our workers who have lost income due to the pandemic --
this should apply both to PUA recipients and traditional unemployment
insurance recipients. Thanks to my colleague and Chair of the
Committee on Labor and Workforce Development Elissa Silverman for her
hard work to make this happen. More
information on the extension on her website.
Closing a Loophole for Evictions
Earlier this year, reporting from DCist
highlighted a disturbing trend by landlords seeking to evict
residents by skirting requirements to be sure they've properly
informed them that they are facing an eviction in court. Reporting
found many notices and court dates were never reaching the residents
in time for them to explore their own legal options. I have helped
lead the District to become a more fair place by guaranteeing
the right to legal representation in landlord-tenant court as a
way to balance the wildly unequal outcomes in legal proceedings. I
joined with Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh to introduce emergency
legislation to tighten the notification requirements landlords and
their legal representatives must meet when beginning eviction
proceedings. It serves everyone's interest when we find ways to avoid
the disruption of housing loss in our community. And that work has to
start with a clear understanding from all parties of where things
stand. More
Leaf Collection Revised and Scheduled
You may have missed this announcement, but DPW
will resume their typical leaf collection program this fall after
initially opting to have residents bag leaves and leave them curbside.
out the schedule for your neighborhood here.
New(ish) Hours for Firehouse Testing
*Note: all public testing sites will be closed in
observation of Veteran's Day on Wednesday, November 11. There is
free, public testing for COVID-19 available in Ward 6 or across the
District nearly every day. Keep in mind most testing sites are
outdoors and are subject to closure during bad weather. It seems like
testing results are getting turned around much faster the longer this
pandemic goes on, but let me know if you're finding otherwise. As a
reminder, here are the testing sites in or near Ward 6 each
Fire Station Engine 8: 1520 C Street, SE Tuesdays,
Thursdays, 3-7 pm (new days and hours!) Saturdays,
12-4 pm
Fire Station Engine 10: 1342 Florida Ave, NE Tuesdays,
Thursdays, 3-7 pm (new days and hours!) Saturdays,
12-4 pm
Of course, you can find a
site open most days in the District here if you'd like to get
tested sooner.
Free Student/Kid Meal Sites As Of Sept 1
Click here to see the updated list of school
meals being provided as we begin the 2020-2021 school year. Please
note, students can get a meal from any school. Here's a link
to meal sites based on bus lines.
Extra Rental Assistance Available
If you are behind in your rent, there might be support available.
Additional funding from the federal government will be available to
assist District residents. More
information here.
DC Re-Launches Mortgage Assistance
If you're a home owner in the District of Columbia whose income has
been hurt by the pandemic, you could be eligible for mortgage
assistance through DC's Housing Finance Agency. Get
the information here!
Here's Who Is Helping Neighbors During COVID
These organizations are still doing great work to help our
neighbors and they're worth your support. If you need assistance, this
list is a good starting point. If you find yourself with a lot of time
and you are healthy and able to volunteer, these are groups that can
put you to work. I cannot emphasize enough, however, that if you are
not feeling well at all, please do not volunteer.
6 Mutual Aid Network: Started by Ward 6 neighbor Maurice
Cook and Serve Your City, this is a group collecting and
redistributing food and other essential items for neighbors.
Medical Reserve Corps: Organized by the DC Government,
here's a way to help out as our medical response scales up.
Public Schools: In need of volunteers to help keep
running their many meal sites for kids in DC during school closures!
Please fill out the linked survey.
Area Food Bank: In critical need of volunteers to help
sort and pack food in their warehouse and assist at their offsite food
and Friends DC: In urgent need of extra volunteers
throughout the coming weeks. There are two volunteer opportunities,
food preparation and packaging and meal and grocery delivery
Rescue US: Volunteers with vehicles needed to pick up and
deliver food from businesses to DC residents in need
Table: Looking for volunteers to help feed the homeless
each Saturday
Table: Volunteers needed to help prepare and bag food for
their emergency food sites across the city
Are Family: Volunteer to deliver groceries to
for All DC: Volunteer to drive groceries to seniors,
immunocompromised, and other DC neighbors who are homebound.
Volunteer here.
Bertha: Aunt Bertha’s network connects people seeking
help and verified social care providers that serve them by zip code.
Contact your local shelter to see what help and/or items may be
A nonprofit offering flexibility to folks who are hungry in where and
how they purchase food or meals at a restaurant.
Free diapers
Free groceries for residents
Thanks and keep wearing your mask,
