While there's a lot we still don't know, one thing is now certain: Thanks to you, Joe Biden will soon be in the White House. We now have a chance to make progress on expanding reproductive health and rights, stabilizing population, addressing the climate crisis, defeating the current pandemic, and working to prevent a future one.
Everyone involved with Population Connection Action Fund and our #Fight4HER campaign played a big part in the outcome of this election. Our staff, activists, and members talked with more than 30,000 voters this fall in some of the most important swing states—like Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Maine, Ohio, Colorado, Iowa, and others. Together, hundreds of volunteers worked hard to help elect champions of health, empowerment, and rights for people everywhere. Not all of them won, sadly, but they waged strong campaigns and fought hard for the issues we all care about. And together, we helped end Donald Trump's term of cruelty, chaos, and corruption.
President-elect Biden has pledged to overturn the Global Gag Rule, ending four years of using the power of the United States to restrict reproductive freedom around the world, rather than expand it. And with modest gains in the Senate, we have more champions who can support the Global Health, Empowerment, and Rights Act, which will not only end the Global Gag Rule, but will prevent a future president from acting unilaterally to re-impose it. Biden has also promised to re-engage in the global effort to combat climate change and to support access to comprehensive reproductive health for all Americans.
There is certainly much more to do in the #Fight4HER and the broader fight for reproductive freedom, so we'll keep you informed and involved in the coming months.
But right now, I want all of us to pause and celebrate this outcome. Thanks to hardworking #Fight4HER activists and committed supporters like you, we've taken a major step toward restoring funding to clinics and removing barriers to reproductive freedom for countless people worldwide.
#Fight4HER has always been powered by individuals who care deeply about reproductive health access worldwide—and it's because of you that we're at this point. So, from all of us at Population Connection Action Fund, thank you.
John Seager
President and CEO
Population Connection Action Fund