Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:

We are hosting our first monthly chapter check-in, a less formal meeting to gather around the virtual table with your beverage of choice, and discuss recent happenings, local concerns, good news and bad. It's also a good time to ask about DSA, what our local chapter is up to, and more. 

The time is set from 6-7 pm Wednesday, and if it's hopping we can always go longer. If we are staring at each other with nothing to say, we can call it good. 

This regularly scheduled meeting came from a few of our members who wanted to see other socialists and activists more regularly, but in a less formal setting. We will save the motions and voting for our general meeting. 

Register in advance at this link, and a link to join will be sent via email. 

In solidarity,

John Krumm
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