In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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Carl Austin-Behan, LGBT adviser to the mayor of Greater Manchester, says inclusive teaching leads to equality, acceptance and inclusion for all young people.
Israelis are going to the polls in a general election for the second time in five months today. Secular politicians are warning of a theocracy, religious
politicians are claiming anti-Orthodox persecution, and both sides say the soul of the country is at stake.
Demonstrators have staged a protest outside a court in Rabat to coincide with the latest hearing in the trial of a Moroccan journalist accused of undergoing
an illegal abortion and having sex before marriage.
The Supreme Court in the US state of Arizona has ruled that a calligraphy business run by two "devout Christians" can legally discriminate against same-sex
Pakistani officials have arrested three Muslims for blasphemy after a Hindu temple was ransacked when rumours spread that a Hindu teacher had insulted Islam.
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