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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 17 September


In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.


Secularism in the media


‘Let’s get it right on relationship education’

Carl Austin-Behan, LGBT adviser to the mayor of Greater Manchester, says inclusive teaching leads to equality, acceptance and inclusion for all young people.

Manchester Evening News


End segregation in Scotland’s schools to bridge sectarian divides, says ex-police chief

A former senior police officer has urged politicians to address the causes of sectarianism by ending religious segregation in Scottish schools.

The Times (£)


Government warned against potential damage caused by faith school discrimination

The Accord Coalition is urging the government to ensure that faith schools aren't given free reign to discriminate on religious grounds.

Education Executive


‘Israel’s election campaign has been a religious war of words’

Israelis are going to the polls in a general election for the second time in five months today. Secular politicians are warning of a theocracy, religious politicians are claiming anti-Orthodox persecution, and both sides say the soul of the country is at stake.

The Times of Israel


Protest held outside trial of Moroccan journalist accused of illegal abortion

Demonstrators have staged a protest outside a court in Rabat to coincide with the latest hearing in the trial of a Moroccan journalist accused of undergoing an illegal abortion and having sex before marriage.

The Guardian


Anger over BJP’s promotion of Hindi as India’s national language

Hindi should become India's official language, according to a key lieutenant of Narendra Modi, the prime minister.

The Times (£)


Parents in Ireland finding it ‘impossible’ to opt children out of religion education

Many parents are finding it "impossible" to opt out their children from religion classes despite their legal right to do so, campaigners say.

The Irish Times


‘Children in Ireland who opt out of religion in primary are denied teaching for 129 full school days’

Peter Gunning says religious teaching time in Ireland's schools should be addressed.

The Irish Times


‘Devout Christians’ can discriminate against LGBT+ couples, Arizona court rules

The Supreme Court in the US state of Arizona has ruled that a calligraphy business run by two "devout Christians" can legally discriminate against same-sex couples.

Pink News


Three people arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan

Pakistani officials have arrested three Muslims for blasphemy after a Hindu temple was ransacked when rumours spread that a Hindu teacher had insulted Islam.

Mail Online


In case you missed it: from the NSS


NSS rallies opposition to new selective Catholic school

The NSS is resisting plans to open a religiously selective Catholic school in Peterborough in Cambridgeshire.


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