Chairman West's Monday Message for 11.9.20
Chairman West's Monday Message for 11.9.20
The Fight for the American Republic
Last week, our Monday message
<[link removed]> addressed the
exchange between Mrs. Powell, a Philadelphia socialite, and Benjamin Franklin.
The chance encounter happened on Constitution Day, September17, 1787, in the
city of Philadelphia . . . yes, the irony. Mrs. Powell asked Franklin if we had
a monarchy or a Republic? Franklin replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."
We discussed the fundamentals of a Republic last week, the rule of law, and
individual rights and liberty. The question that we posed in our missive last
week is our topic for this week.
I asked, simply, at the end of election week, would we be able to state that
we had held onto the Constitutional Republic we call these United States of
One of the foundations of our Constitutional Republic is that we have a
representative democratic system of governance. America is not a pure
democracy, thank goodness. We have an electoral process whereby we elect those
who will be our voice, our representatives. Our Founding Fathers were
exceptionally visionary in establishing our rule of law, the Constitution,
which gave us the mechanism by which we could keep the American Republic.
However, there were several things that they could not fully account for:
human behavior, voter apathy and lack of discernment, a propaganda driven
media, and the creation of a philosophy of governance, antithetical to our
American Republic.
When these factors are aligned with that age-old flaw in human character, the
quest for power and control, you have the recipe for what we are currently
experiencing in America.
I know something about voter fraud. Back in 2012, during my congressional
reelection, the race had been called by some media outlets in South Florida. I
was ahead by 200 votes, and it was just after midnight. Then it happened. There
was an exact 4,000 vote shift, which no one could later explain, that put me
down by 2000 votes.
There in St Lucie County, where the supervisor of elections was a staunch
partisan Democrat named Gertrude Walker, certain precincts reported having over
100 percent voter participation. As well, Ms. Walker was seen mysteriously
going in and out of the storage facility for the ballots, at very strange,
early morning hours. She ended up submitting the results of the election,
stating that they were issues, yet, a full recount was never done, and the
Florida Secretary of State accepted her report. Florida Governor Rick Scott,
and Attorney General Pam Bondi, did nothing.
Sound familiar?
Even before my own brush with voter fraud, it was US Senator Norm Coleman of
Minnesota, in his race against Al Franken, who had ballots appearing in various
locations...namely in the trunks of cars. All the ballots found were for Al
Sound familiar?
Just two years ago, Republicans in California were declared winners in their
respective elections, only to have those calls reversed in the weeks following
due to ballot harvesting. Yes, ballots just kept showing up, all for one
person, until the desired result was affirmed.
Sound familiar?
Fast forward to November of 2020, and, here we are again. However, this time,
we are witnessing what appears a bloodless coup at the national level,
utilizing the tactic of ballot harvesting.
We should not be surprised.
Earlier this year, I read, and wrote about
<[link removed]>, an op-ed written in Time
magazine on April 14th, by the former US Attorney General, and Chairman of the
National Democrat Redistricting Committee, Eric Holder. The title of his
article was, "Here’s How the Coronavirus Crisis Should Change U.S.
Elections—For Good <[link removed]>
." What was the crux of his missive? Yes, it was the need for universal mail-in
Do you remember what was it that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was trying
to get funded in the first coronavirus stimulus package? Yes, universal mail-in
Communist dictator Josef Stalin has a quote attributed to him that asserts,
"it is of little concern to me who casts a vote, what matters is who counts the
It seems that a very disconcerting form of Common Core math is being used to
count votes, to favor Democrats.
Today the American Republic is the victim of a grand scheme and anyone
dismissing this is a mindless lemming. The Texas Democrat Party attempted this
scheme here in the Lone Star State in Texas' largest County, Harris County. It
was there that an appointed partisan County Clerk, Chris Hollins -- who is also
an official of the Texas Democrat Party -- sought to disseminate nearly 2.5
million mail-in ballot applications to the "registered voter list" in Harris
County. His planned scheme was in violation of Texas election law which clearly
specifies the intent and scope of absentee ballots. Hollins was issued a stand
down order by the Texas Supreme Court. However, Hollins then went onto
unilaterally expand "curbside" voting during the early voting period, another
violation of Texas election law. Of course, his expanded locations were all in
heavily Democrat precincts. When challenged, the media tried to make it appear
that Republicans were enacting voter suppression. Since when did supporting
election law become equated with voter suppression? Imagine if those 2.5
million mail in ballots had found their way into our Texas electoral system?
In all truth, voter suppression comes where there is voter fraud, as we are
witnessing. This is what serves to undermine the American Republic, and we will
not be brow-beaten into silence, or acceptance.
The top legislative priority for the Republican Party of Texas, of our eight
priorities, is election integrity. You can view the entirelist of priorities
<[link removed]> at our Texas GOP website.
Texas will not allow the undermining of our "Texas Republic." This is why the
Republican Party of Texas is perplexed, and will not support, a potentialTexas
Speaker of the House
<[link removed]>
who would seek affirmation from progressive socialist Democrats to attain
that position. It is utterly absurd and demonstrably idiotic that any
Republican would join with Democrats to lead our Republican majority (83-67)
Texas State House. Does anyone believe that Texas Democrats will support the
Republican Party of Texas legislative priority of election integrity?
Therefore, let me clearly state this: the Republican Party of Texas will not
support, nor accept, StateRep. Dade Phelan
<[link removed]>
as Speaker of the Texas House. Texas does not need a Republican political
traitor, not at a time when the two diverging philosophies of governance are
this lucid.
The Republican Party of Texas will not sit back idly and watch leftist
Democrats be placed as Committee Chairmen who will undermine, kill, our
legislative priorities, as happened in the 86th Texas legislative session.
Texas will be led by Constitutional Conservatives, not middle of the road
"road kill" individuals seeking alliance with Marxist, socialist, leftists. We
fought hard in the 2020 election cycle -- against massive odds and leftist
resources -- to retain a strong legislative majority.
America needs Texas. Texas needs committed, principled, resolute, and
courageous Conservatives who will be the vanguard in saving, protecting, and
restoring the American Republic.
The fight has been enjoined . . . Y'all all in?
Steadfast and Loyal,
LTC Allen West (Ret.)
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
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