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This is Anthony Felix Jr. and I'm running for Congress (CA-40). I hope to gain your support to help drive the change we need at the federal level. This race will not be easy as the incumbent has been in the seat since 1993, but I am ready, willing and able to #FightTheGoodFight! Against all odds, grassroots supporters like you are helping to make positive change in our country.

With your financial contribution, our campaign can compete and build a movement so we can make it out of the primary and into the general election. I guarantee that Washington, D.C. has never seen anyone like me in office. If you join this fight, I will do my part. This election cycle is critical for the future of our country. Can we count on you?

Please donate:

Spread the word! #2020AF #PoliticalAF #BelieveInBetter

Dr. Anthony Felix Jr.
U.S. Congressional Candidate, CA-40

Contributions or gifts to Anthony Felix Jr. for Congress 2020 are not tax deductible.**

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