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World Resources Institute

Dear John,

The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next President and Vice President of the United States ushers in a new day for America. The voters prioritized integrity, diversity and decency over divisiveness. The Biden-Harris ticket also put tackling the climate crisis at the center of its agenda.

We are highly encouraged by the words of President-elect Biden, who in his victory speech declared he has a mandate to “marshal the forces of science and the forces of hope in the great battles of our time.” This includes tackling the pandemic, the economic downturn, racial justice and climate change.

You can read our public statement on the election outcome, here.

New Opportunities

Americans voted for change. Now is the time to deliver.

President-elect Biden can set the tone of his administration from the outset, I am pleased that he has pledged to re-enter the Paris Agreement on Day One. The Biden administration should also move quickly to develop a new climate plan for the United States building on his campaign platform. In doing so, the administration can bolster confidence in multilateral institutions and begin to restore U.S. standing in the world. 

Within the first 100 days, the new administration should work with Congress to enact an economic stimulus package that will create jobs, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, expediting the energy transition and enhancing climate resilience. Because the climate emergency requires an all hands on deck approach, President Biden should embrace "Climate Federalism," working closely with leaders in states, cities and business to set the U.S. on course to a strong zero-carbon economy.

You can read more in a new Commentary by WRI US Director Dan Lashof that outlines our recommendations and proposes a 10-point plan for the new administration.

A Better Future

WRI is well-positioned to help advance these goals. We have deep and trusted connections in the U.S. federal government, and with business, state and city leaders who are eager to work with us on strategies to drive sustainable and equitable economic growth. We are supporting the U.K. government and other countries to ensure that COP26 in 2021 spurs climate ambition. We are providing technical advice to countries looking to develop national climate strategies. We also share our research and cutting-edge data with multinational corporations and institutional investors so they can better understand how to green supply chains and increase financial flows for sustainable development.

With the boost provided by the incoming administration, we see many opportunities to scale our impact. Of course, none of this will be easy. But we believe a better future is possible.

In the coming months, we will look for every opening to accelerate the shift to a more healthy, prosperous, equitable, and resilient path. The future is too important not to seize this new day.

We are deeply grateful for your partnership, advice and support on this journey ahead.

Warm Regards,

Andrew Steer
President and CEO
World Resources Institute