Broward Democratic Party September Meeting
with Special Guest Speaker Craig Smith
Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
Meet and Greet; 6:30PM - 7:00PM
Meeting starts promptly at 7:00PM
Deicke Auditorium
5701 Cypress Road
Plantation, FL 33317
We are pleased to welcome Political Strategist and Democratic National Committee Member, Craig T. Smith as our guest speaker this month.
Mr. Smith has over 30 years of experience in political organizing and campaigns at the local, state, national and international level. He served in many different roles under then Governor Bill Clinton, in the 1992 and 1996 Clinton presidential campaigns, as well as in the White House as Political Director. He served as a Senior Adviser for the 2008 and 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaigns. He has worked to elect prime Ministers and presidents in over 45 countries. He currently lives in Broward County and serves on the Resolutions Committee of the Democratic National Committee. He will update us on the happenings at the recent DNC meeting in San Francisco and give us an overview on the proposed Florida delegate selection process for the Democratic National Convention next year.
All Democrats are welcome! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Paid for and approved by the Broward Democratic Party, 8320 West Sunrise Blvd. Suite 203 Plantation, FL 33322 |
Broward Democratic Party
8320 West Sunrise Blvd
Plantation FL 33322 United States
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