
Did you know I have three things in common with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh? First, we’re both Constitutional conservatives. Second, we both attended Georgetown Prep. Third, we both have been the victim of libelous false smears!

That’s right! Four years before their smear attack against Kavanaugh, the Democrats colluded with CNN to plant a false story about me. Seven months LATER, the FBI prosecuted my accuser and he pled guilty to a felony for lying about the smear — but the damage was done. Of course, the media that did the dirty work had no apologies for getting the story wrong.

I share this with you because we MUST stand united with Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Second, I’m announcing today a program I think EVERY Republican candidate running needs to have: A MEDIA DEFENSE FUND!

Why? Because Republican candidates must now prepare for false, libelous and nasty attacks from the liberal media.

Will you contribute TODAY so I have the resources IN ADVANCE to fight lies spun by the media?

By creating this fund, I’m putting the Democrats and liberal media on notice: your nasty lies will be answered aggressively with the truth! We will use every penny in this fund to take out ads and potentially hire lawyers to set the record straight.

My campaign is already breaking new ground on so many fronts and Republican candidates with my blessing are modeling their campaign programs off of our success. Let’s innovate again by getting ready to combat the bias in the media with this strategy.

Please do what you can today! The media will LIE — but you can help me get the truth out!



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