Dear John

Today feels different: like a new beginning. We have all been waiting for this moment for four long years. And my Brady colleagues and I have not just been waiting— we have been hard at work, preparing for this new beginning in our fight against America’s gun violence epidemic.  


And now, we're ready to go. And we need you with us. 

The scene yesterday (11/07) at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC.

It felt really good to wake up to a world where President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will soon be in charge. With these gun violence prevention champions at the helm, I am full of hope for the work we will be able to do.

And it’s not just our work that will change: Today, it is easier to be a parent to my two boys. It is easier to believe in what is possible for their future— for our future. And it is easier to imagine a nation that is no longer taking sides, but instead united.

The Biden-Harris administration has the power to take immediate action against gun violence in our nation— in fact, Brady has created a comprehensive plan that lays out how the administration can enact important changes in their first 100 days in office. And after 4 years of lethal inaction, lifesaving change is possible. But, we need your support to make it a reality.

John, will you commemorate our new beginning and donate to our First 100 Days Fund today? Together, we can ensure that life-saving action is taken.>>

This fight is deeply personal to us. This week, my colleagues at Brady will share with you what this win, and your support, means for our work. For many, this work is inextricably linked to their family, their friends, and their heart.

Joe Biden called for “a united nation” last night in his victory speech, and we are ready to take action, not sides in this fight. We are united to end gun violence.
Opportunities abound and we need your help to get started.
More to come,
Vice President, Development