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"President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will assume office as the nation faces a surging climate crisis, an unprecedented biodiversity crisis, and an overwhelming loss of confidence in the government that now threatens our democracy. We look forward with a sober awareness of the work ahead but with optimism and a focused determination to change the direction for wildlife.”

Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders President, on the 2020 election results. Read More →

Right Whales (c) NOAA

Urge your members of Congress to save endangered right whales!

Fewer than 400 right whales remain today – and the surviving whales are under constant threat by human activities, including collisions with ships and entanglements in fishing gear. With deaths exceeding births, these whales could be functionally extinct in the next two decades. There’s still time to change the future for right whales!

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32M wolf (c) Washington State University Wolf-Livestock Interaction Project

The Life and Legacy of Washington’s Oldest Wolf

Washington's oldest known wolf, 32M, passed away this summer at the ripe age of 12 years old. His legacy lives on in the memories of those who knew him and in generations of pups across the region.

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Polar Bears (c)Peter Norvig

U.S. Polar Bears Are Losing. Here's Why.

Last month, the Trump administration finalized its reckless plan to let the oil and gas industry lease the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge – threatening critical habitat for one of the most imperiled polar bear populations in the world.

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Ocelot (c) USFWS

Spotting an Ocelot

Ocelots are a very difficult animal to spot in the wild, due to their small size, camouflage and nocturnal prowling. But these fascinating cats need our attention if they’re going to get the protection they need to survive.

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Marine Life (c) Andrew S. Wright/USFWS

New Solutions for the Ocean and Its Inhabitants

Marine wildlife and ecosystems are being rapidly depleted by a number of threats – overharvesting, pollution, entanglements, ship strikes and more. A new bill offers solutions that could determine the future of our oceans.

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Sea Otters
Honey Bee (c) AnnekeDeBlok-istock

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Support Defenders of Wildlife in our mission to save endangered and imperiled species and the habitats they need to survive. Bring home something wild – for yourself, or as a gift! 

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Defenders of Wildlife 1130 17th Street NW • Washington, DC 20036

Photo credits: Right Whales (c) NOAA | 32M wolf (c) Washington State University Wolf-Livestock Interaction Project | Polar Bears (c)Peter Norvig | Ocelot (c) USFWS | Andrew S. Wright/USFWS | Honey Bee (c) Anneke DeBlock/iStock

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