The country just recently recorded 121,000 new coronavirus cases in a single day -- and at least 22 states have set records for new weekly cases.
Over 235,000 Americans have lost their lives during the pandemic and public health experts have warned that we are in a dark place as we enter the winter months. Dennis Carroll, the former pandemic unit leader for the U.S. Agency for International Development, put it lightly when he said that “we knew this would happen, but denial has ruled.”
Donald Trump’s abysmal response to the pandemic has been summed up by his baseless claim that “one day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” He and his Republican apologists have refused to wear masks, attacked public health experts for doing their jobs, hosted super-spreader events that endangered thousands, and prematurely rolled back on public health restrictions across states -- all while thousands of Americans have continued to die each day.
As CNN has reported, coronavirus shutdowns “helped stop hospitals from overflowing and drove down COVID-19 infection rates, saving countless lives in the process.” But Americans are increasingly buying into Trump’s lies, refusing to wear masks or social distance. This false sense of security is dangerous. While many Americans express opposition to restrictions, such as limiting capacity for public places or mask mandates, we want to know if you believe our leaders need to take stronger measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Do you support upholding coronavirus restrictions?
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A Woman’s Place

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