
It was Winston Churchill who famously said, ‘Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried.’ Democracy isn’t fast. Democracy isn’t easy. But democracy is certainly worth waiting for and certainly worth fighting for. In the days since the election, we have had only one leader who has respected our democratic process that is admired throughout the world. One leader who has reminded us to keep the faith – in our system and in one another. And only one leader who has insisted that every single American’s vote be counted – no matter for whom those votes were cast.

We have kept the faith. We have counted all the votes. And thanks to the hard work and contributions of so many, we have a President-elect who respects our democracy, as well as the voices of every person in that democracy. It is finally morning in America. Over the past four years, ordinary Americans from all walks of life have taken it upon themselves to work for and fight for a ‘a more perfect Union.’ A better democracy. A brighter future. Even though we still face enormous challenges, we have, as a country, sent a clear message. Joe Biden has been elected by the American people with more votes than any candidate in our history. Joe and Kamala have flipped states that Donald Trump won in 2016. This ticket drove record turnout, receiving over 74 million votes across our country. And, finally, the American people will be able to, for the first time ever, call a woman of color Madam Vice President!

TC and Biden

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been elected with an historic mandate. And, as a result, we finally have leaders who will fight for every American and unite this country. Starting now, the highest leaders in our land will be guided by science. We will prioritize facts over fiction. We will break down the walls that divide us and rebuild the roads, highways and bridges that connect us. With conviction, we will see climate change for the existential crisis it is. With resolution, we will answer the clarion call to save our planet.

Starting now, we will fight for cleaner air, safer drinking water and healthier communities free of harmful pollution. We will prioritize environmental justice and we will finally stand a fighting chance to achieve it.

Starting now, we will fight for an economy that works for every American, not just the privileged few.

Starting now, we will restore our system of checks and balances.

Starting now, we will welcome strangers to our land and celebrate our diversity.

Starting now, we will have leaders who will protect affordable, quality health care for families.

Those of us in Delaware could not be prouder to send one of our own to the White House. But my friend Joe never thought that this campaign was about him. For Joe, it has always been about the American people, the democracy we all treasure and our collective desire to restore the very soul of this great nation. And I know that is the kind of President he will be, too. While Joe might call Delaware home, he will fight for red states and blue states alike. He will look out for those who voted for him and for those who vigorously disagree with him. And he will always put the interests of the American people before his own. Joe is the finest public servant I have ever known. I have heard him say countless times that just because someone is your adversary, doesn’t mean that they have to be your enemy. He not only has the experience to lead on day one, but he has the compassion and the decency to unite our country, which is what we so desperately need.

My huge and heartfelt congratulations go out to Joe and to my colleague, Kamala. But, perhaps even more so, we thank both of their families – their spouses, Jill and Doug, their children, grandchildren, siblings and so many more who are willing to share their loved ones with us all.

Today, we join them in celebrating a hugely consequential and hard-fought victory. Today, we breathe a collective sigh of relief for the millions of American families who can sleep easier. Today, we relish the fact that hope finally overcame fear. And tomorrow, we start building back a better future – together. We know that the hard work of healing and governing is just beginning, but I could not be more thrilled that Joe Biden will be at the helm. There is no better person to bring us together to tackle the challenges we face, restore our standing in the world and seize every opportunity that lies ahead for this great country.


Paid for by Carper for Senate

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