Join the Book Club before Wednesday, November 11th for a chance to win our monthly raffle!
"It may seem paradoxical at this pivotal moment in American political history, with a president in office who is more vocal than any other on fundamental issues of sovereignty and self-determination, that America First voices are being stifled… But it makes perfect sense. Globalists are doing everything in their power to deny President Trump reelection in 2020." p. xxi
Of course, this is now happening. Unlike the elected executive office, globalists, NGOs, and other unelected organizations with extraordinary finances wield enormous power...

In November and December, read along with us as Malkin expose
s the SPLC "Hate Machine," Antifa, Hollywood, and the "alphabet soup" of NGOs working to undermine our country.
As Malkin says, "Follow the money, find the truth."

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