John, it's official: our very own Kamala Harris will be the first Woman and Person of Color to hold the Vice Presidency in U.S. History, and Joe Biden will be our next Commander in Chief! This will undoubtedly go down as a pivotal moment in American history; a moment in which we shifted this nation towards righteous progress. But make no mistake: this victory would not have been possible without the arduous work and relentless determination of BIPOC, queer folks and women leaders on the ground doing the real work. The Democratic Party must move forward with a firm awareness of this American reality, knowing full-well that these traditionally left out communities, very much are the party.

We also know that this victory will not be enough.
Both Democrats in Georgia have to win in their runoff elections in
January for Democrats to gain power in the Senate, despite Democratic
Senate candidates receiving far more votes than Republican candidates. Plus, we know that Mitch McConnell will halt any progress that the House and
President push forward. We also know that thanks to their gerrymandering
10 years ago, Republicans will continue to hold outsized power in state
legislatures throughout the country. Even here in the East Bay, where
Democrats dominate our legislative bodies, we see and experience
inequities all around us, from homelessness to educational outcomes,
from arrest disparities to job opportunities. We still have work to do. Join us.
On a more local note, while all of the votes have yet to be
counted in the East Bay, it's looking like many EBYD-endorsed candidates
will win their races. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them! We are excited to partner with our endorsees and all electeds in the coming years to continue to make the East Bay a hub for progressive activism.
Remember - the fight is far from over, and still ongoing! We still have work to do to
Pass Prop 15 and make big corporations pay their fair share. Lots of votes are left to be counted and cured.
Sign up to phone bank today!
In Solidarity,
Jesus Arzola-Vega, EBYD Communications Director
“Inequality, corruption, oligarchy, and authoritarianism are inseparable. They must be understood as part of the same system, and fought in the same way.”
— U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders