We Must be in the Streets Until Trump and Pence Are Gone!
In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America

Dancing outside the Philadelphia Convention Center last night. video.
World-changing events are unfolding before our eyes. All news networks have announced that Biden is the winner of the electoral college and popular vote. The Trump/Pence regime will not give up trying to complete their coup and theft of this election, but it is very positive that the media has declared Biden the winner.
Imagine if the opposite had been true. Trump and his forces would be gloating and emboldened to harass and terrorize the people and accelerate their moves to hammer in a fascist nightmare. With this loss, there is no veil of legitimacy over Trump’s claims of victory and cries of election fraud.
It is critical that the people not let up their struggle now. Trump is filing lawsuits to overturn the results up to the Supreme Court. His MAGA thugs are mobilized. Our people need to be mobilized – taking to the streets, non-violent but determined to stop the theft of the election and this hateful course. As long as Trump and his regime are still in power, as long as their followers are filled with passionate vengeance, they can still prevail through legal and extra-legal means. Newt Gingrich, a fascist and unofficial advisor to Trump said on Fox News of Trump’s messianic followers: “I think as they watch Joe Biden’s Democratic Party steal the election in Philadelphia, steal the election in Atlanta, steal the election in Milwaukee, I think the more information that comes out, the greater the rage is going to be.”
We cannot let them dominate the public space and public discourse. Our mass non-violent protests should be fired up with the certitude that comes from standing up against their towering bigotry and hate that imperils all of humanity and the earth. We must build on the work that many have done to oppose the crimes of this regime and to get out the vote, braving the obstacles thrown in people’s paths. Now, our struggle is entering a new phase … as the fascist regime and their supporters shatter even more norms to prevent a peaceful transfer of power, relying on their masses in the streets to intimidate and bludgeon us into passivity. read more
Join in planned marches across the country today, demanding Trump/Pence Out NOW:

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Carl Dix writing from Philly: Trump’s plan is illegitimate and fascist, and it could succeed if not opposed with mass, non-violent action

Carl Dix outside Convention Center where Trump supporters demanded "stop the count"
I’m writing to you from Philadelphia, where Refuse Fascism has been confronting the attempts of the Trump/Pence regime to steal the election. Thursday Trump supporters, including his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, were escorted by the police into the Convention Center where the ballots were being counted demanding to ‘monitor the vote’ and advocating that the count should stop. As Trump said in his speech, “If you count the legal votes, I win. If you count the illegal votes they can try to steal the election.”
Friday night, outside the convention center became the place to be, with people celebrating a potential Biden win & beginning to imagine what it would mean to be free of the Trump/Pence regime. One person who was working inside said, they have been afraid that these Trump supporters might unleash violence on them for simply doing their jobs. And they told us how much heart we gave them when they hear us chanting outside.
This fight needs to continue until we’ve stopped Trump from stealing this election and ensured that he leaves the White House.
Your support is needed to make this happen. We need everyone to help fight this through. What we do now -- what we do together -- could change the course of history with huge ramifications for the whole world.
With Covid-19 we know not everyone can or should protest on the streets, but give the movement your support in other ways
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Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013