
We won.

Together, we defeated the most anti-immigrant president in generations and saved American democracy in the process. In doing so, the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF) broke new ground for the immigrant justice movement by demonstrating that our issues, our values, and our families will no longer be taken for granted, ignored, or scapegoated during an election. 

And we wanted to say GRACIAS!

This tremendous win would not have been possible without committed supporters like you standing with us. You made calls, texted voters in key states, invested in our digital ads, gave recurring monthly contributions, and so much more.

Americans have rejected the harsh, anti-immigrant policies of the Trump administration, and have voted for change - to our economy, to our health care, to our criminal legal system, and to the array of laws impacting immigrants.

Voters moved away from Trump’s divisive rhetoric, and want solutions that are inclusive of ALL of us, regardless of where we were born or how much money we have.

At the IJF, we set out to demonstrate to candidates that in 2020, proactive, pro-immigrant messaging helps win elections. And that’s exactly what your support helped to make happen.

Reaching independent women, especially independent white women, and persuadable Latinx voters in these states with a unifying, pro-immigrant vision for the future, helped determine the outcome of this election. Our program targeted these voters with precision, with poll-tested messages that worked and with ads that reached them at the right time to help secure this historical victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

For the first time in a national election, IJF helped show that a pro-immigrant message can be a winning message with persuadable voters. In doing that, we’re making clear to decision makers that immigrants and immigrant families are valuable political constituents. That we aren’t simply a policy problem to be solved every few years but that instead, immigrant families and their supporters are a powerful constituency to engage year round.

Voters in battleground states spoke with clarity and with force. The message was undeniable: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and record proved to be a losing gambit in 2020.

With your help, we were able to add an impactful electoral component to NILC’s considerable legal and legislative advocacy efforts defending immigrant youth who rely on DACA, leading the No Muslim Ban Ever campaign, and fighting back against Trump’s public charge immigrant ‘wealth test,’ while winning state and local policies that significanly improved the lives of low-income immigrants.

There’s so much we were able to accomplish this election cycle thanks to your partnership.

This election cycle the IJF:

  • Interacted with Presidential candidates from the primary to the general election on immigrant inclusion policies and messages;
  • Co-chaired the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on immigration and contributed to the Democratic Party’s platform;
  • Launched one of the first national campaigns to reach persuadable voters with pro-immigrant messages;
  • Delivered over 11 million digital ads with pro-immigrant messages to 130,000 persuadable voters in Wisconsin, North Carolina and Arizona;
  • Over 500 volunteers sent 99,000 texts to voters in Wisconsin, North Carolina and Arizona urging them to vote for Joe Biden;
  • Grew our activist list by over 15,000 new members like you this year alone.

We’re not done yet. In fact, we’re just getting started. We are committed to working with the Biden administration as we begin the work of healing the nation and undoing the damage caused by the Trump administration’s four years of relentless attacks and harmful policies. We will work with leadership across all federal agencies to both right the wrongs of the past and build 21st century policies that enable us all, including immigrants, to live healthy and safe lives and to have the freedom to thrive.

Thank you for being an incredible IJF partner! We look forward to partnering with you over the next 4 years to continue building political power among immigrants and rebuilding our country to be a more just and equitable society.

With deep gratitude,

Marielena Hincapié
NILC Immigrant Justice Fund

Paid for by NILC Immigrant Justice Fund,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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