What the Biden victory means for our rivers and clean water

Dear John,

If you’re like us, you’re probably feeling a little groggy from being glued to the news for four days (not to mention late nights). But today, the votes have been counted and the American people have spoken: Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. 

We wanted to be the first to connect with you about what his victory means for the rivers you love.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, we have a historic opportunity to advance a positive vision for healthy rivers nationwide -- in our cities, in our rural communities and flowing through our public lands. It means we have a chance to reverse four years of the Trump administration’s destructive rollbacks to clean water protections. 

With the advent of a new administration, we can make significant progress toward ensuring healthy rivers and clean water everywhere, for everyone.

We’ve outlined five top priorities for rivers in our 2021 Blueprint for Action. We have big, ambitious goals and we’re going to need you to help make them happen.

We must seize this moment. Our rivers still face an onslaught of threats: from pollution, dams and diversions, to the relentless impacts of climate change, to deeply entrenched environmental injustices. 

It’s time to get to work. Check out our 2021 Blueprint for Action and find out how you can be part of this vital work -- for our rivers, and for our future.

For the rivers,


Bob Irvin
President and CEO
American Rivers

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Strawberry River, UT | Photo by Getty Images

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