
If you’re like most Democrats I know, you’ve been dreaming of this moment since November 9, 2016. You’ve probably also been working, organizing, and fighting for this moment.

Because of you, and tens of millions of Americans across the country who said “enough was enough,” the path ahead for all of us is more hopeful than it was yesterday.

I’m so excited to have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris headed to the White House, and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.

We marched. We organized. We made our voices heard and we got it done.

Now it’s time to get to work. After nearly a year of Trump’s neglect, we have a pandemic to actually manage, we have a health care system to save and improve, jobs to create, and a climate to protect.

But first, let’s take a few days to celebrate. You’ve earned this. Thank you.

