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Across the country, immigrant voters showed up in record numbers. Together, immigrants, Black people, young people, and POCs from all backgrounds showed up to elect new leadership to move us forward—and voted for a democracy where all people can thrive.

NYIC and allies sent 2 million texts and made over two hundred thousand phone calls and robocalls to get out the vote in immigrant communities across the state. And New York’s 2.5 million immigrant voters made a strong showing despite long lines at polls, fewer polling stations and problems with language access.

We defeated anti-immigrant forces in the election—but undoing the legacy and the destruction of the last four years and more on immigrant communities will be an uphill battle. 

After the horrors of the last four years, we won’t accept half-measures or grand bargains. We deserve and are ready to fight for bold, ambitious legislation and immediate executive action to provide a road to citizenship for the 11 million immigrant community members who are living without any protections and continue to be at risk from the immigration enforcement regime weaponized by Donald Trump. We must hold President-elect Biden accountable for the promises he made on the campaign trail.

Action can’t wait. Our immigrant neighbors are on the frontline of this pandemic, they are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, yet they have received no stimulus checks and are struggling with bills, housing and feeding their families. We will fight to ensure that our newly elected leaders deliver resources to our communities, make good on their election promises and we will demand more. 

Our next fight is just beginning. In the coming year, NYIC will work with our members and allies to introduce holistic immigration legislation that creates a fair immigration process that keeps families together, integrates newcomers into the fabric of society, and treats each person with dignity and respect.

We hope you will continue to partner with us to ensure that New York remains a beacon of hope and opportunity for all. 

In community, 

Murad Awawdeh and Rovika Rajkishun

Co-Executive Directors 

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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA