
Joe Biden has defeated Donald Trump and is now the next President of the United States. Not only did we make history with record turnout in New Mexico and across the country, but we also elected Kamala Harris — the first woman of color — as our next Vice President.

I am enormously proud of the unifying and positive campaigns that Democrats ran in this election cycle, from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, to Ben Ray Luján, Deb Haaland, Xochitl Torres Small, Teresa Leger Fernandez, and candidates in state and local races up and down the ballot in New Mexico. We have so much to be proud of.

As President-elect Biden said on the campaign trail, we are in a fight for the soul of the nation. That started with winning back the White House, but it doesn’t end there. The battle for the United States Senate isn’t over yet. And Donald Trump will continue to try to undermine our democracy by lying, demanding recounts, and filing frivolous lawsuits.

The responsibility to restore America’s moral standing falls on all of us in the months and years ahead. There is real work ahead to make sure our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our schools, and our public lands are places where all of us belong and thrive.

Together, I’m confident that we can unite our nation, take on the pandemic armed with facts and science, and undo the damage the Trump administration has done to our communities, our country, and our environment. That means rebuilding our economy, expanding health care to all Americans, taking bold action to address climate change, and continuing the march toward equality.

This moment would not be possible without the support of this community. Because of you, we proved once again that our democracy is alive and well. Because of you, we showed that it's We The People who decide the outcome of elections. And it is because of you that I have hope for the future. Together, we will continue this fight for progress, for prosperity, for fairness, and for the belief in a better tomorrow. Our kids deserve nothing less.


— Martin




PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
