We did it.
As stressful as the past few days have been, it was worth the wait. With record-breaking turnout, Americans took to the polls, mailed in their ballots, and voted to send Trump packing.
After spending four years fighting back against Trump’s corruption, racism, and incompetence, we can now celebrate that President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will be in the White House.
The Stand Up America community played a key role in making this victory possible. Here’s what we accomplished together over the past few months:
 I will forever be grateful to every single one of you who voted, made calls, wrote letters, sent texts, donated -- and made today possible. Thanks to you, our children, our democracy, and our planet have a brighter future.
As you may know, earlier this year we helped launch the Protect The Results coalition to ensure a peaceful transition of power. We know Trump may say or do anything to cling to power, so Protect the Results will remain vigilant until every single vote is counted and Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States on January 20th.
After this victory, you might be wondering where does the Stand Up America community go from here? Let me be very clear -- our work is far from over.
Our community fought hard to flip the Senate, and we still don’t know who will control the chamber. It looks like runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th could be decisive in whether we end Mitch McConnell’s reign. We will be in touch in the coming weeks about how you can help get out the vote in Georgia.
Central to our theory of change at Stand Up America is that Donald Trump is a symptom of corruption and dysfunction in our political system, not the root cause, and defeating him alone is not enough to pass a progressive agenda.
To win this year, we had to overcome unacceptable barriers to voting across the country, particularly targeted at Black and Brown communities, and for years conservatives have worked to rig the system in their favor, from suppressing the vote to gerrymandering and dismantling campaign finance rules.
If we want to make progress on countless pressing issues, from health care and gun safety to climate action and police violence, then we must not only win the Senate, but also break down the barriers that conservatives have built to block progress.
That’s why in the coming weeks and months, we’ll be fighting for bold reforms at the state and federal level that will make our government more responsive to the will of the people and enable a progressive agenda to pass, reforms like automatic voter registration, public financing of our elections, unrigging our courts, combating gerrymandering and voter suppression, and enacting a National Popular Vote.
Over the past four years, we’ve seen a surge of activism across the country that’s unprecedented in my lifetime. And we cannot let up now. Not with so much left to do to build our democracy back better and make real progress for the American people.
So we’ll be in touch soon! But for now, thank you for helping our nation turn the page.
Sean Eldridge Founder and President, Stand Up America