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Dear John -
It is with great humility and pride that I write this message after fully realizing that the numbers are clear and the voters of District 11 have given me another FOUR years as Supervisor!We first came to this district 17 years ago and first and foremost fell in love with the people of this community. The people of District 11 are what make our community special and the hidden gem of San Francisco.
When I was first elected four years ago, I promised that I would work hard to make sure that our District was no longer treated like the forgotten part of San Francisco and to fight for our working families. I listened closely to the narrative in our community that said, “We are tired of being ignored.”
We took this message to heart and have worked hard every day to make sure that District 11 is a priority and to be a strong voice for our working families. I also learned very early in my career in public service that all politics is local – people want their community taken care of first and their needs responded to. When people call – we listen!
In that vein, over the past four years, our community has received investments of over $600 million dollarsthat has been used to build family affordable housing, pave the way for the largest neighborhood library in San Francisco, renovate our parks and playgrounds, build the first Job center in Lakeview/OMI, create a performing arts center at the Geneva Car Barn, improve our traffic safety, (including many new speed humps), plant over 2,000 trees and much more. We’ve accomplished a lot over the past four years, and we plan to accomplish even more in the next four.
As your RE-ELECTED Supervisor, I am committed to continuing the work we began four years ago; fighting for resources, Unifying and Recognizing ALL parts of the district and making sure District 11 is the best place in San Francisco to live and raise a family.
As we enter these next four years, I am keenly aware of the impact and devastation that COVID-19 has had on our community, our businesses, and most importantly our children and seniors. I want to assure you, that I will be working tirelessly to make sure District 11 receives equitable funding and support to assist in our COVID-19 recovery as we have done the past 8 months. There is no higher priority for me than ensuring our community recovers safely from this crisis.
I would like to thank my amazing and devoted wife, Yadira, and my two kids, Xol and Rumi and my entire family for their blessing and support that allowed me to run for office and serve the people of this district. There is no other job that I would want and I am constantly reminded of the privilege I have been given to be an elected official in this amazing City.
I want to give special acknowledgment to my campaign team: my campaign manager Lauren Chung, Tim Ho, Saoirse Mclaughlin, Sophie Ganion, and Aaron Moore who have for months given 150% everyday, not just for my campaign, but for this community. Also a big thank you to my consultant Tom Clifford and Ze-Kun Li from Clifford/Moss and my fundraising team at SGR for their amazing work. I want to thank my District Staff Monica Chinchilla, Sam Berenson, and Suhagey Sandoval, Cathy Mulkey-Meyer, Tim Ho and Judy Lee who have worked hard to deliver many wins for our community over the past 4 years.
During this campaign there have been many people who have gone above and beyond to make sure we clinch this victory with a resounding vote. Thank you to my labor family (San Francisco Labor Council, San Francisco Building Trades, SEIU Local 87, the Teamsters, Firefighters and hundreds of other unions), all of my neighborhood precinct captains, the Invest Black community, my Persian family, and all of our District 11 community organizers and activistswho for months talked to neighbors, attended mobilizations, organized volunteers, made phone calls and more to make sure that every part of this District is represented in our campaign. I want to also give special recognition to Joe Martinez and Melanie Santana for opening their doors at the Mission Childcare Consortium and Esperanza Estrada and all of the Family Child Care providersfor their tremendous efforts. These providers have been on the phones, knocking on doors, mobilizing not only for me, but for our most vulnerable families.
Thank you to the voters who believed in our vision to move our District forward and continue the great work we have been able to accomplish these past four years. I have been humbled and honored by the trust you have placed in me. This is a victory not just for our campaign, but for the entire District 11 community.
Paid for by Ahsha Safaí for Supervisor 2020 • FPPC #1378961
Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org <[link removed]>.
www.ahshaforsupervisor.com <[link removed]>
Ahsha Safaí for District 11 Supervisor - United States
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