This was the victory we needed to see to be the America we know we can be.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were the choice of a record number of American voters – and an overwhelming majority of Californians -- because we know they will represent all Americans.

They will treat every person with dignity and deserving of equal opportunity. They will attack systemic injustices, not their fellow Americans. They will respect the rule of law and democratic institutions. They will elevate science and expertise and renew America’s place of leadership in responding to global threats like COVID and climate change.

In short, they will return our better angels to our nation’s highest offices.

If anyone can turn hurt into healing and deep-seated divisions into common ground, repair our standing around the world and rally our nation together in this time of unprecedented crisis, it’s Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Joe Biden is a fervent believer in our promise to working-class Americans because he is a product of it. He knows how to get things done, even in a federal government paralyzed by partisan gridlock. But mostly he is a person of decency, empathy, and strong-as-oak character. He possesses the moral and ethical compass necessary to guide our nation through this valley of darkness toward a more hopeful, healthy and unselfish future.

Kamala Harris has spent her life making a difference and now she makes history. It’s both fitting and phenomenal that the first woman and first person of color to hold an elected office in the White House will be a favorite daughter of California.

Kamala is, after all, a walking, whip-smart embodiment of the California Dream. She’s tough, she’s passionate, she’s persistent and she’s devoted a lifetime to the highest American ideal of justice for all.

Today, her ceiling-shattering accomplishment will put wings on the aspirations and imaginations of young women and people of color all across this country and around the world.

I have long been proud to call Kamala Harris my good friend. But I will be even prouder to call her: “Madam Vice President.”

California is here for it. And we are here for you. Now let's get to work.