Dear ,
This is really embarrassing.
Late Saturday, the New York Times ran a breathless bombshell
story alleging that a new allegation had surfaced against Justice
Brett Kavanaugh from his days as a Yale undergraduate. The
insinuation is that Kavanaugh lied under oath during his
confirmation hearing.
By Sunday afternoon, Cory Booker called for hearings against
Justice Kavanaugh. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris went a step
further and called for his outright impeachment.
Explosive stuff.
Except the allegation wasn't new.
Nor did the Times report that the alleged "victim" refused to
talk about it to investigators -- and admitted she has no
recollection of the alleged incident! The story was based on
hearsay, from her supposed "friends."
In fact, shortly after releasing the story Saturday, the Times
was forced to publish a correction, admitting that the alleged
victim had no recollection of the incident in question. In short,
the Times admitted they had completely left out this exculpatory
evidence. This from the so-called "paper of record."
That's not just an oversight. That's an outrage!
You should also know this ---
The Senate Judiciary Committee had already investigated this
allegation. The Committee found no verifiable evidence to support
her claim.
Despite seven attempts by investigators, the alleged victim
declined to provide any evidence to support her claim, refused to
meet with investigators, and refused to provide even a written
statement to the Committee.
According to the New York Times, the alleged victim also told
friends she couldn't be sure Kavanaugh was even involved in the
Are you thinking what I am thinking?
It's obvious what's going on. The radical Left is sowing seeds of
division in case a new vacancy on the Court opens up, or in case
the Supreme Court finally decides to dismantle the judicial
travesty of Roe v. Wade.
The Left can't even deny this.
GET THIS: Debra Katz was the attorney for Christine Blasey Ford
(who testified in the explosive hearings against Kavanaugh). Katz
recently said her client was motivated to testify because of her
support for legal abortion.
Katz said of Kavanaugh: "He will always have an asterisk next to
his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade, we will know
who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him,
and that is important; it is important that we know, and that is
part of what motivated Christine."
This new round of mudslinging is about one thing: abortion,
abortion, abortion.
You know the abortion lobby is notoriously shameless. No
principle, rule, process, or institution will be spared in this
campaign to protect legal abortion.
But the radical Left is now openly rejecting the results of free
elections and the will of the American people -- and even the New
York Times has been reduced to a partisan tabloid.
They've called for the impeachment of President Trump over a
phony Russian collusion story. Now they've fueled the calls for
the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh -- with no evidence
I recall what Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, said after Senate
Democrats smeared Kavanaugh during last year's feverish
confirmation hearings....
"Boy y'all want power. God, I hope you never get it."
Amen to that.
P.S. Remember Leland Keyser, the friend of Christine Blasey Ford
that was allegedly present at the home where Ford claimed
Kavanauagh assaulted her? According to the same book published by
the authors of the New York Times story above, Keyser told
reporters: "I don't have any confidence in her story."
And worse, Keyer said: "I was told behind the scenes that certain
things could be spread about me if I didn't comply."
This is nothing more than the disgusting behavior of political
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