Dear Colleague,
Budget cuts, the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing contingency among academic workers—the threats to academic freedom, shared governance, and quality higher education are many. While there are no easy solutions, an AAUP chapter can accomplish a surprising number of things that even the most committed faculty member can’t do alone.
Join us for a webinar on how to start an AAUP chapter.
If you are an AAUP member on a campus without an active chapter, or a potential member interested in what an AAUP chapter can do on your campus, this webinar is for you. You'll learn how to form an AAUP chapter and how a chapter can help you change the status quo. From drafting bylaws to organizing your colleagues to fight for shared governance and better working conditions, we will give you the tools and knowledge you need to start an AAUP chapter at your institution.
Time: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 • 3:30 PM Eastern time
Presenters: Michael Magee is an organizer with the national AAUP. Bethany Letiecq is president of the George Mason AAUP chapter.