
Earlier this year, I stood on the steps of the Supreme Court to call for Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment based on several accounts of sexual assault -- especially the testimony of Dr. Christine Ford -- and the lies he told while testifying under oath in the Senate.

It’s not complicated: If you lie in your confirmation hearing, you should be impeached.

Now, after having been on the court for just a few months, yet more evidence has come forward of Kavanaugh’s predatory behavior.

During the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, the FBI sought to corroborate the story of Dr. Ford. They also sought to corroborate the story of Deborah Ramirez -- but after Ms. Ramirez provided 25 names of individuals to provide corroborating evidence -- the Bureau interviewed none of them.

The Republican-controlled Senate had narrowed the scope of the FBI investigation so much that Ms. Ramirez’s story was never “remotely investigated” or told in the Kavanaugh hearings.

As you know, Kavanaugh was then confirmed by a vote of 50-48 -- the closest Supreme Court justice vote in more than 130 years. Now, there is evidence of yet another incident where Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted a classmate in college.

Today, I’m joining several Democratic candidates for president in calling for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. Again.

Add your name and join me and Americans across the country in demanding Kavanaugh be removed from the Supreme Court.

Thank you,
