Weekend Edition, November 7-8, 2020


Ron Paul on the “election.”

Panderin’ Sanders and the Great Philadelphia Victim Fest and Riot

George Hollenback

Smoking Gun: Fauci States Covid Test Has Fatal Flaw; Confession From the “Beloved” Expert of Experts

Jon Rappoport

Mindless Insanity Rears Its Ugly Head Once Again as All Those Picking a Side Have Already Lost

Gary D. Barnett

Press Prostitutes Make Fools of Themselves Trying to Cover Up Vote Fraud for Democrats

Paul Craig Roberts

The Threat of Peace… Why America Needs War With Russia and How To Stop It

Finian Cunningham

Here’s Our Historical Analogy Menu: Rome, the USSR, or Revolutionary France

Charles Hugh Smith

The Russia-China Vote

Pepe Escobar

Trumpism Lives On!

Not all good news. Patrick J. Buchanan

Breaking Down the Mechanics of the Oligarchs’ Great Reset

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Odd Jobs

Theodore Dalrymple

Water Cures Dehydration And Facilitates All Medical Treatments

Dr. Mark Sircus

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