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What We Know - And What We Don't - About the Election Results


Dear John,

As I write this message, there's still a lot we don't know about the 2020 election results. Here in Minnesota, there are some very close races that could end in a recount. Nationally, neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump has attained 270 electoral votes, and recounts and legal action are likely.
In the midst of that uncertainty, it's important to remember what we do know.
  1. We know that the forecasts of a progressive landslide in Minnesota and around the country were wrong. We know for certain that pro-life lawmakers made gains in the US House and the Minnesota House, and (it appears now) will be able to maintain their majorities in the US Senate and the Minnesota Senate. More information on that below!
  2. We know that even if Joe Biden wins the presidency, there will be strong checks on his actions in terms of a pro-life majority in the US Senate, a strongly constitutionalist majority of judges on the US Supreme Court.
Most importantly, we know there are deep truths beyond politics. Most importantly, we know that the future of our state and our nation are not randomly generated. Rather, there is One who is sovereign over all - and it isn't Donald Trump or Joe Biden. The rich blessings our country has always enjoyed, and even the trials that have made us stronger, have all come from God's hand. Politics and politicians can't change that.
 So, join me in praying for our nation - praying confidently that the truth will win over lies, that life will triumph over death, and that God's design for the family would be honored throughout our country. That's what we'll be working for, whoever wins.
Praying with you,

Our Attorney's Perspective: Religious Freedom At Stake in the Fulton Case

By Renee Carlson, General Counsel for True North Legal - A Legal Initiative of Minnesota Family Institute

Should a faith-based social services agency be excluded from participating in a city’s foster care program, simply for operating in accordance with its sincerely held religious beliefs? The answer is no - unless the agency is located in the city of Philadelphia.  

On November 4th the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in a significant matter concerning the free exercise of religion in the First Amendment. Catholic Social Services (CSS), along with two women who have participated in their foster care program, challenged the city of Philadelphia’s discriminatory actions – specifically the city’s refusal to place foster kids with the agency unless it changed its policies regarding same-sex marriage. Consistent with Catholic teaching, CSS cannot endorse same-sex couples as foster parents in partnership with their agency, as it would be in conflict with the sincerely held religious beliefs of the Catholic Church. As a result of CSS’s deeply held religious beliefs about marriage, it was barred from its placement arrangements with the city of Philadelphia.

Never mind the fact that the City received no complaints about CSS, or that CSS has been serving some of Philadelphia’s most vulnerable and at-risk children for over a century (well before the city of Philadelphia even engaged in the foster system) and within that time frame not a single same-sex couple has approached CSS about becoming a foster parent. Rather, the City refused to work with CSS after reading in a newspaper that CSS could not endorse same-sex couples as foster parents through their agency. 

While Fulton is about a social service agency and foster parents seeking reprieve from Philadelphia’s attack on their faith, there’s more. CSS also asked the Supreme Court to revisit the Court’s long-standing approach to analyzing religious freedom claims, specifically asking the Court to revisit its analysis in a case called Employment Division v. Smith. Previous to Smith, the Court evaluated laws infringing upon religious freedoms with the utmost scrutiny (“strict scrutiny”). However, Smith, as decided in 1990, changed the course of how courts approach free exercise claims, looking instead to the neutrality and general applicability of a law. Thus some laws that severely limit certain religious beliefs and practices have been upheld. (CONTINUED....) 

Continue reading at The Family Beacon


VICTORY for Life in Minnesota! 


This election cycle, Minnesotans turned out to the polls in potentially record-breaking numbers and what could be the highest voter turnout rate in the nation. As the results are finalized, we can celebrate some key pro-life victories in our state! If current results hold, Minnesota will maintain a pro-life majority in the state senate. This is wonderful news that will have life-saving implications in the upcoming legislative session!

On the Congressional level, Minnesota’s election results have also yielded four pro-life congressional seats, with Representatives Tom Emmer, Pete Stauber, and Jim Hagedorn defending their seats, and Michelle Fischbach ousting incumbent Colin Peterson in District 7.

Unfortunately, Senator Tina Smith, who has boasted about the fact that she is the only Senator to have worked for Planned Parenthood and recently opposed the confirmation of pro-life Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, will continue to represent Minnesota in the U.S. Senate after beating her challenger, Jason Lewis.

The nation still awaits official results for the Presidential election. Joe Biden currently leads in Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, putting him on track to pass the 270 vote threshold necessary to win the electoral college, although results have not yet officially been called in those three states or in North Carolina, and the Georgia Secretary of State confirmed this morning that the narrow margin between the two candidates will lead to a recount. Uncertainty can be difficult and anxiety-inducing. Rather than being consumed by that anxiety, let’s cast all our anxieties on the God who cares for us.

As we celebrate pro-life victories, mourn the defeats, and wait for finalized results, let’s continue to commit to praying for our elected leaders and for the peace of our nation. Let’s also remember that the results of this election will not change our calling as followers of Christ. In the days, weeks, months, and years to come we are still called to be salt and light, proclaiming the truth, seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly before God. This is true as we wait for results, and it will remain true once those results are finalized. And in everything, we can rejoice in the fact that we worship the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever and that his purposes will prevail no matter what.

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Together for Good, a Christian nonprofit in the Twin Cities that comes alongside children and parents experiencing crisis, is hosting its first virtual fundraising event on Saturday, November 14. 

Register for free here and email [email protected] for more information!


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 CONTEND: A FREE conference for parents, family and friends of those dealing with same-sex attractions.

Topics included:

A Kingdom Perspective of Parents

The Satanic War on Parents

Finding Freedom from the Blame and Shame of the Enemy

Understanding Trauma and the Brain

God’s Higher Vision for Your Child 

The Building Blocks of Attachment 

Kingdom Tools to Fight for Your Child


Powerful Testimonies and
Extravagant Worship

Email:  [email protected] for more info and to register.  

**Conference is being held in the Twin Cities. Get location information when you register.


 Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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 Support MFC When You Shop Online


Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you? This is one of the easiest ways to support our mission of advancing life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota!

You can support our mission while you shop by clicking here (smile.amazon.com/ch/41-1439560) or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Minnesota Family Institute.


Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families and communities through Christ. As we approach a momentous election, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support.


















































































































































































































Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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