
With a heavy but hopeful heart, I’m writing to let you know I’m stepping down as Executive Director today. The last two and a half years have been nothing short of amazing. In fact, it has been an honor. 

As a car-free daily transit rider for the past six and a half years, I know all too well the frustrations of relying on Muni. That’s the reason I joined SF Transit Riders. To raise the voice of those who are missing from the conversation. Those whose ability to get around San Francisco by transit are being jeopardized by interests that lie in preserving parking and travel lanes. And for those who don’t have the time to show up to meetings, town halls, or public hearings. 

And we’re doing that. We’re bringing the rider's voice to the table. We’re being asked to show up and speak up for better public transit. We’re building our power. We’re growing. We’re here.

Words can’t really describe how proud I am of helping make that happen.

Though it was an extremely difficult decision to step down, I’m ready for my next adventure. I don’t know what my next chapter looks like, but I know I’m leaving you in the best of hands. The team at SF Transit Riders is excellent. They are passionate and dedicated advocates who work tirelessly for awesome public transit. The days of sitting in our office talking transit and strategy are surely my favorite times.

To Cat, who is taking on the role of Acting Executive Director - thank you for being the best right hand. There is no one I would rather have had sitting by my side through the madness that is public transit advocacy. I know you will be great.  

To Eric, our 30x30 Community Organizer - thank you for your fierce passion around climate change and environmental justice. It’s because of you that SFTR is getting involved in these issues and bringing in a new audience to help with our shared cause. You always stand behind your principles and that’s my favorite thing about you.

To Zach, our Membership Manager - your energy and spirit is boundless. Thank you for your honesty and your dedication to building this organization - and for tackling our membership strategy. I’ve been trying for some time and I know you’re on your way to knocking it out of the park. 

To my Board of Directors - thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.

And to all of our members - thank you for your support and for letting me be your first Executive Director.

Yours in transit,

Rachel Hyden

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
