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The Unz Review Digest - November 6, 2020

Ranking first among our featured articles this last week was my own column about the sudden departure of famed journalist Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, a lavishly-funded publication that he himself had co-founded just a few years ago in the wake of the Edward Snowden/NSA disclosures.  Although The Intercept was intended to challenge the traditional media by providing an outlet for unfettered critiques of the powerful, his attempt to publish an important piece focusing on the remarkable suppression of the Hunter Biden Scandal across the mainstream media was blocked by his own anti-Trump editors, forcing him to resign in protest and publish it himself.  Although The Intercept has now burned through well over $100 million of funding and has hired an all-star cast of writers, its rather pedestrian and conformist articles appear to be attracting a readership scarcely larger than our own webzine, which spends merely a pittance by comparison.  The topic has attracted well over 300 comments totaling more than 40,000 words.

All our remaining top articles directly focused upon Tuesday’s presidential election and its now-disputed results, taking a variety of different positions.  Kevin Barrett argued that although the actual contrast between Trump and Biden was hardly as great as either of the camps claimed, the chaotic controversies into America’s generally stable political system may finally cause its collapse, to the heartfelt appreciation of much of the world.

Eric Striker’s third ranking article predicted that Trump would probably win the race given the overwhelming enthusiasm of his supporters, but argued that he had almost totally betrayed them on all the crucial issues, and enacted almost none of his promised policies.

Getting huge traffic after just one day and already tied for the third spot was Paul Craig Roberts’ description of the considerable evidence that the election results were fraudulent in numerous key states, with the Democratic Party machinery and its MSM allies attempting to steal the election from Donald Trump.  This has attracted more than 200 comments totaling over 20,000 words.

And rounding out our most popular featured articles were two consequence columns by Philip Giraldi, the first pointing to the dangerously violent antifa and Black Lives Matters protesters, who seem to be seeking a revolutionary upheaval under a Biden/Harris presidency, and the second arguing that the Israel Lobby would remain one of the few real winners under either candidate.

Several years ago during the height of the Edward Snowden/NSA spying scandal, Glenn Greenwald was sometimes described as the world's most famous journalist. I think that characterization was probably correct, at least if we exclude Julian Assange from consideration. The American government has emphatically denied that Assange was ever a journalist, now working to prosecute... Read More
It’s Not Who Wins—It’s the Chaos, Stupid
Will the 2020 elections change history? If they do, it won’t be because one or the other candidate won, but because they accelerated the polarization that brought down the American empire. Political partisans, including most of the mainstream media (MSM) are screaming from the rooftops that the fate of the known universe depends on the... Read More
Trump is going to win. That's what the only poll that isn't designed as infotainment for suburban "Karens" -- who are actually loyal Democrats -- is saying. Many nationalists plan to vote for Trump, not due to a positive assessment of his first term, but for the same reason people line up for terrible movie... Read More
United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney explains a special software developed by the National Security Agency that can be used to alter vote counts in elections. He explains the software and its use in this 7 minute video: In this article, the Off-Guardian explains the use of the software to alter the outcome... Read More
In any given news cycle it is sometimes the lesser articles that are more illuminating in terms of where everything in a country as vast as the United States is heading. This is particularly true in terms of what the U.S. has been experiencing in 2020: a pandemic, civil unrest, wars and continued turmoil overseas... Read More
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state
The U.S. election will end today, more or less, and we Americans will suffer another four years of putting up with serial nonsense out of a White House and Congress that could care less about us no matter who is elected. Whether the party where everything changes or the party where everything remains the same... Read More
Many white advocates are unhappy about last night’s election results. They didn’t get the decisive Trump win they wanted and it’s suspicious that the president was leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states when the authorities decided they couldn’t finish counting votes until tomorrow. Texas and Florida didn’t have that problem. Fox News called... Read More
The French President stepped on a rake for the second time, and was duly slapped in the face by its long handle. French products went off the shelf in the Arab and Turkish shops; heads chopped off in the midst of pandemics; a lot of animosity, anger, smacking of a civil war. Vous l'avez voulu,... Read More
So where was I? As I was saying, traveling during Covid is not exactly relaxing. Entry rules can change overnight, and flights may be canceled at the last minute. No really means no, just like on your first date, all those moons ago. You ain't getting in, so stop begging. On my last day in... Read More
What happens on November 3rd ? It’s like a larger than life replay of the famous Hollywood adage: “No one knows anything.” The Dem strategy is crystal clear, spawned by the gaming of election scenarios embedded in the Transition Integrity Project and made even more explicit by one of TIP's co-founders, a law professor at... Read More
No element of American culture is more axiomatic than the link between education and upward mobility. This relationship virtually defined the early civil rights movement but, as we shall see, not only has this link weakened, but the very opposite seems to be emerging —destroying education, especially public education, has, ostensibly, become the path to... Read More
The podcast, which you can view at the bottom of this article, is interesting for several reasons. Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi are both what would, until very recently, be considered mainstream journalists. Now they see themselves on the outside of a monolithic system where information has been completely politicized to the point of it... Read More
Philadelphia was under curfew last night and Danielle Outlaw, the black lady police chief newly hired after her stellar performance in Portland OR, is breast-beating about her force’s need for more mental health social workers [Philadelphia pledges better response after shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr.,, October 29, 2020]. Of course, this is completely... Read More
There’s huge uncertainty about how the election will turn out. What looked like a certain Trump victory when I went to bed on Tuesday night suddenly turned in Biden’s favor in Democrat-run swing states where there appears to have been massive fraud—unprecendented stopping of vote counting on Tuesday night, vote-dumps in the middle of the... Read More
Liberal film maker Michael Moore, who in 2016 predicted Donald Trump’s electoral victory, is again interfering with the premature celebration over Biden’s victory. Yesterday, just five days before the election, Moore sounded the alarm, strongly suggesting that the polls showing Biden with a comfortable lead over Trump are not accurate. In a TV interview Moore... Read More
So, according to the corporate media, this is it for Russian-backed Hitler. Game over. The walls are closing in. It’s the last days of the Trumpian Reich. Get those vuvuzelas ready! Yes, apparently, the American people, who were all a bunch of Putin-worshipping, white-supremacist neo-Nazis when they elected Trump in 2016, have come to their... Read More
I remember one evening in distant 1991, I was sitting with a few friends in the SAIS cafeteria discussing the future of the United States with a few very smart students, including a Pakistani Army Colonel, a US captain who served on aircraft carriers and a Spanish diplomat: we all agreed that “the system” was... Read More
In presidential elections, the Republican Party used to win the majority of Asian votes. Now it barely wins more than a quarter. In 2012 and 2016, the GOP’s share of Asian support was even lower than its Hispanic share. Every
As Joe Biden and Donald Trump wrangle over the results of the 2020 Presidential election, a strong pattern has emerged across all 50 states. According to results on various referendums and ballot measures, voters by and large have rejected most of the Republican Party's economic platform and the Democratic Party's cultural program, regardless of which... Read More
I won’t even bother repeating it all here, those who are interested in my views of this entire Charlie Hebdo canard can read my article “I am NOT Charlie” here: No, what I want to do is to ask a simple question: do you think the French leaders are simply stupid, suicidal or naive? I... Read More

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