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As ballots continue to get counted and we get closer to an official Biden-Harris victory, know that we did this together, friend.

If you can, join a local #VotersDecided Day of Celebration event this Saturday, November 7 to safely come together in celebration of this historic moment and to ensure that every single vote is counted. Make sure to bring your face mask and follow all safety precautions!

Communities across the country are coming together to celebrate what we already won together, reenergize for the fights ahead, and make it very clear that Trump has no power here. The power lies with the people.

#VotersDecided Day of Celebration
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Many locations and times across the country
Find an event near you
As the final ballots are counted, it will be important that all of us safely show up to ensure that our votes count. These peaceful and distanced gatherings at community locations will bring people together with music, speakers, visuals, marching, dancing, and more. All participants are encouraged to wear face masks and follow safety precautions.

This has been a long fight, and we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we’re not done yet. Join us this Saturday for a day of action and celebration!


Team Tom

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Tom Steyer PAC · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA

Paid for by Tom Steyer PAC,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.