Team —

I hope you’re doing well and are as confident as I am as we await the results of this critical presidential election. While we continue to be patient and move closer to a victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, I wanted to tell you about a way you can still make a big difference in helping us take back the U.S. Senate from Mitch McConnell.

In Georgia’s special election Senate race, Democrat Reverend Raphael Warnock is going head-to-head against his Republican incumbent opponent in a runoff on January 5th.

Despite going up against a wealthy incumbent who poured $23 million of her own personal fortune into her campaign, Rev. Warnock came out on top in Tuesday’s election with the most votes, and that’s thanks to grassroots supporters like you. But since no candidate reached the 50 percent threshold, the race now advances to a runoff, and and we know Republicans are preparing to spend untold amounts of money to keep this seat red.

Rev. Warnock is exactly the kind of strong, moral leader we need more of here in the Senate. He’s Senior Pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the former pulpit of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as a community leader and advocate for civil rights, affordable health care, and a living wage.

Not only would a win for Rev. Warnock move us closer to flipping the Senate, but it would be historic, making Rev. Warnock the very first Black senator to represent Georgia.

This runoff race is critical for so many reasons, and we only have about two months to help the Warnock campaign build the financial resources necessary to get out the vote and win.

So, if you can, will you split a contribution today to kick off Rev. Warnock’s runoff campaign strong and help him flip the Senate and become Georgia’s first Black U.S. Senator this January?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split between Raphael Warnock and Cory Booker:

Our fight to take back the Senate isn’t over. Let’s keep the faith and keep putting in the work to win.

— Cory