John --
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.
First, as you saw by the results on election night, the polls were way off, by
10-15% points in many areas … Again. The fact that
they haven’t corrected the egregious polling errors from 2016, makes
you wonder why? This seems to be a joint effort by the
national mainstream media to use these biased polls to disillusion
voters. These fake polls have an impact on elections by suppressing
support, financial donations and votes.
There was NO BLUE
WAVE. We kept control of the U.S. Senate. Some U.S.
senators, like Susan Collins, were projected to lose by 12 points but
won by 9 points. The amount of money spent against incumbent
Republican U.S. senators was astronomical. They spent over $120
million against Senator Lindsey Graham and lost decisively. Michael
Bloomberg spent $100 million in Florida to defeat President Trump… a
state President Trump won decisively. In the U.S. House of
Representatives, Republicans defended all of their incumbent members
and picked-up 7-9 additional seats.
In Pennsylvania, we won at least one statewide row office… the
first since 2008. Congrats to our Auditor General-elect Tim
DeFoor. Stacy Garrity’s race for State Treasurer and Heather
Heidelbaugh’s race for Attorney General are still in play and too
close to call. In the State Senate and House, the Republican Party
gained seats. Republicans were outspent by liberal special interest
groups by 4:1.
What is clear, President Donald J. Trump led our party to victory
up and down the ballot in Pennsylvania and across the nation.
Let’s talk about Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of
State Kathy Boockvar changed the rules of our election multiple times
and regularly moved the goalposts. The statutory law says that all
ballots must be received by 8 pm on Election Day to be part of the
official count. The Governor and the Secretary unilaterally added
three additional days to allow the receipt of the ballots, which is
against current law. Republicans appealed their actions to the liberal
State Supreme Court which dutifully stood by Governor Wolf and the
Democrat Party in Harrisburg. We are attempting to get that decision
reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court where we expect them to decide that
State Supreme Court cannot unilaterally change the law. I want to
stress that… the Pennsylvania Supreme Court approved the
Governor's unilateral action. This is not their
constitutional role. Only ballots received by 8 pm on Tuesday should
be counted… however long that process takes. But that is the
law and they are not following it! Additionally, disregarding
the signature match on a ballot and the postmark makes ballot
submissions a free-for-all.
Like many of you, my concern rests on ensuring Pennsylvania puts forth a fair
process for reviewing and counting ballots. However,
it appears the Democrats, particularly in Philadelphia, is intent on
fighting openness and transparency in the ballot canvassing process.
Attorneys on behalf of the President had to get a court order to
observe the canvassing process in Philadelphia. They have a right to
review the ballot canvassing process. And how did the Democrats
respond? By appealing the court’s decision to the Pennsylvania Supreme
Court in an effort to keep poll watchers away from those processing
ballots. It begs the question as to why the Democrats are fighting to
conduct this process in the shadows.
Similar types of efforts and irregularities are under investigation
in Wisconsin, Detroit and Atlanta. It is astounding to me that Fox
News continues to say the Trump Administration has unfounded evidence
of foul play in Pennsylvania. I think we just provided a pretty good
list of improper and unlawful behavior. This doesn’t even touch upon
all of the reports of ballot harvesting, machine issues, misprinted
ballots and other issues.
Governor Wolf stated this is the most efficient, flawless and
well-run election day he has ever seen. Attorney General Josh Shapiro
knowingly stated the night before the election that when the votes
were counted Joe Biden would win. Really? Why is it this
Administration always seems to be at odds with the people? They have
built incredible distrust with the people and that is frankly
unforgivable. There is no reason that we could not have agreed upon
lawful policies for the election and had those policies followed…
especially in a year that we have dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic and
a contentious national election.
Secretary Kathy Boockvar's disregard for following the law led
Pennsylvania State Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati and
Majority Leader Jake Corman to call for her resignation. Her main
focus was to count the votes as fast as possible, particularly when
Republicans had no observers in the room.
My fellow Pennsylvanians, please know that we will fight for a
lawful outcome, whatever it may be. But we will fight for a lawful
outcome that is accountable to the citizen voters of Pennsylvania.
In an effort to support the President’s efforts to ensure we count
all legal ballots and to support the associated legal costs, we made a
sizable contribution to the Donald J. Trump for President Recount Fund
and the Republican Party. I am fully committed to supporting President
Donald Trump during the canvassing and likely recount efforts to
assure an accurate and transparent vote count. I have been in regular
contact with the legal leaders of the Trump Campaign.
In order to get the word out about Pennsylvania and our efforts to
ensure a fair ballot canvas occurs, I have appeared on various
national and local radio stations, including an interview with Sean
Hannity on Fox News Radio today.
Lastly, I want to say thank you. I am humbled and grateful for the
strong voter turnout and support for my re-election. This tremendous
support motivates me and our team to work hard and do an effective job
for the people of PA-09. In my next term, I will continue to advocate
effectively for Pennsylvania in Washington, problem solve at home, and
partner with our elected officials and community leaders to support
private-sector job creation, funding for infrastructure and
revitalization of our beautiful area.
In addition to thanking our many supporters, I want to thank my
wife Shelley and our children for the love and support they have shown
me during my service and throughout this campaign. No one can do this
job alone and I appreciate the work of our dedicated staff and team in
Washington and in the district. The people of the 9th Congressional
District have a tremendous team in place to serve them with their
constituent services and needs.
Thank you and we will keep providing updates as we get more
