Are the Democrats Trying to Steal the 2020 Election in Black-Run Cities like Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Detroit?
This upcoming June, it will be six years since Donald Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his historic run for the White House. On November 5, 2020, with an increasingly blatant attempt to steal his electoral victory underway in numerous states across America, it’s time we realize his courage has to be contagious.

He has thrown down the gauntlet, calling out fraud in Detroit and Philadelphia (should have included Charlotte, Atlanta, and Milwaukee), all heavily black municipalities controlled by Democrats, and noting voting fraud is happening, threatening the legitimacy of our democracy and elections.
Republicans must unite around Trump now, or else hang separately.

—Jack Dalton
Trump As Braveheart: "If You Count the Legal Votes I Win."
To be a good American in 2020, you are supposed to believe that Putin stole the 2016 election and that it is inconceivable that Democratic insiders in Philadelphia or Atlanta might put a thumb on the scale in favor of Joe Biden, even after four years of editorializing that Trump must be driven by office By Any Means Necessary.

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