
Friday, November 6, 2020


Dear Fellow Patriot,

We are going to all need to exercise some patience as this election continues. The election is clearly not over. If nothing else, the Trump campaign has said they are going to ask for a statewide recount. The parties will be looking for people to volunteer to be observers of the process wherever the recount is happening. Every vote has a paper trail; at a minimum, that should be investigated during the recount. If possible, volunteer some time.

In December 1776, Thomas Paine wrote, “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” I think what’s going on with the election results here in Wisconsin is definitely trying our souls. Reports of questionable results and reporting have surfaced, but it seems no one is doing much to investigate. We need real patriots to show up right now.

The integrity of our election system is paramount to retaining our constitutional republic. All voters, regardless of their party or political persuasion, need to have confidence that their vote will count—and not be negated by fraudulent ballots or unqualified voters.

We want you to know that we are not sunshine patriots. We are launching an effort to call all true Wisconsin patriots to stay engaged in this election process.

We’ll have more to say about this effort soon, but here are some action steps you can take right now:

1) Please email us any reports or stories you have heard of voting irregularities or questionable voting activity. Send your email to [email protected].

2) Pray! If there has been any fraud, pray that God will reveal it and will bring justice to bear. Enlist others to join you.

3) Call your state representative and senator (enter your address in the upper right-hand corner and search) and ask them to make election integrity reform an immediate priority.

4) Share this email with other Wisconsin patriots who want to be sure every vote is counted and counted lawfully.

It’s time…it’s time for the true patriots in Wisconsin to stand strong! We hope you will join us as we make a reasonable demand for a truly fair election. The citizens of Wisconsin deserve a transparent election process so that we can have confidence in the outcome.

Thank you and God bless!

Julaine K. Appling



Wisconsin Family Action 
PO Box 7486 • Madison, WI 53707
608.268.5074 (Madison) or 866.849.2536 (toll free)[email protected]
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