The regime media, along with left-leaning co-conspirators, want you to believe that racism killed Breonna Taylor.
A white cop killed a black woman, so how could it be anything but racism?
The media tells us that racism is present when a white person harms a black person. That's their relentless agenda-setting narrative. This may be true some of the time. But consider...
Racism is an -ism word. Ism words are about the IDEAS people hold in their heads.
Was the police officer who sought the warrant against Breonna Taylor motivated by the IDEA that he could harm her because she was black?
Evidence for this claim is lacking. But we do have evidence for another theory. Breonna Taylor was killed by the intersection of four forces...
- Drug prohibition laws that allow for aggressive raids in the middle of the night
- Police misconduct
- Prosecutorial misconduct
Here's the evidence...
The cops wanted to fish for evidence against Taylor's former boyfriend, whom they had arrested for selling drugs. So...
The cops and the prosecutor asked a judge for a warrant based on packages the ex-boyfriend was receiving at Taylor's home. But...
The prosecutor and the cops already knew, from a previous investigation, that the packages were from Amazon, and unrelated to drug trafficking. That means...
The prosecutor and the police both cheated when they applied for their warrant. They knowingly lied to the judge. They did this, NOT because of racism, but because they wanted to increase their chances for a conviction against Breonna's ex-boyfriend.
But the regime media wants to set the agenda. They want you to focus on the issue of racism. To what end?
Even if we could reach inside people's heads and end racism, Breonna Taylor would still be dead. And that's because drug prohibition and official misconduct would still exist.
So how can you reset the agenda to do something meaningful? Here's an idea that could change the incentive structure of the system…
What if the cops who killed Breonna Taylor now faced a civil suit from Taylor's family?
Do you think that might give other cops around the country pause when contemplating aggressive nighttime raids based on dubious justifications? I think so. Only there's one problem...
It's almost impossible to sue cops for misconduct. That's why Justin Amash introduced the Ending Qualified Immunity Act. It would allow citizens to sue the police for misconduct. So set your own agenda! Join our plan for passing this important bill...