An important milestone was reached over the weekend in the Queensland election as Stephen Andrew, MP for Mirani in Queensland, became the first One Nation representative to be re-elected after serving a full term.

Not only was he re-elected but, In a resounding endorsement of Stephen’s performance as an MP, he achieved a two-party preferred vote of 59.2%, an increase of 4.4%!

Following confirmation of Stephen’s re-election, One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson congratulated him on his historic win saying, “Stephen’s victory is testament to the years of hard work he has put in and the respect he has earned in the community.”

“I want to congratulate Stephen on his success, and I look forward to working with him over the next four years to ensure One Nation can continue to deliver strong representation to the people of Mirani in Queensland.”

We make no bones about the fact that this election, fought under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, was a tough one but this only serves to make Stephen’s victory more impressive.

Stephen’s win proves that when a One Nation member is elected they are there to stay and it also proves that even under the most difficult circumstances One Nation can prevail.

So congratulations Stephen Andrew on your well-earned victory, here’s to another four years fighting for the people of Mirani and Queensland and holding the majors to account!

Elections are a long tough slog at the best of times and the Queensland election was no exception.

What you learn quickly is it takes an army of supporters and members working behind the scenes to achieve a positive result and there are many positives we can take away from the Queensland campaign.

Just to put things into perspective, this Queensland election saw the LNP lose at least three seats, The North Queensland First Party lose its only seat, the Greens lose 10% of their votes and Clive Palmer’s party lose everything.

Yet One Nation has emerged with our Queensland representation intact and can hold its head high after running a disciplined campaign that saw the party stand candidates in 90 seats.

So to all the candidates, members and supporters, thank you!

You are the backbone of this party and without your continued support none of our work would be possible.
News that has China has banned the import of $560 million of Australian wheat should come as no surprise to the WA Government, according to WA One Nation Leader Colin Tincknell.

“I said six months ago when China imposed an almost 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley that unless Australian Governments started standing up to this bully it would keep returning,” he said.

“Since then, the communist bully has been back for our wine, our crayfish and now our wheat; how long do we stand by and do nothing.

“China is not our friend, it has no interest in a respectful trading relationship and governments at both a state and federal level need to recognise that it is their job to keep the bully at bay.”

Mr Tincknell said Premier Mark McGowan was riding high on a treasury full of dollars earned by selling off our iron ore to the Chinese but had failed miserably to protect the exports of any other industry that relied on the Chinese marketplace.

“We have leverage but the Premier is too scared to use it because of the potential for short-term political blow back,” he said.

“Premier McGowan is not looking at how our trading relationship with China will look in 10 or 20 years, he is looking only at getting elected for another term next March and to do that he needs to keep the iron ore dollars from China rolling in at full tilt.

“Instead, we should be calling China’s bluff and reminding President Xi Jinping that Australia, Western Australia in particular, has plenty of what the growing middle class in China wants and what its construction sector needs.”

Mr Tincknell said there was also plenty of evidence to show that China’s threats of retaliation against our iron ore exports were largely empty.

“Turning to Brazil for iron ore won’t work because there simply isn’t enough Brazilian ore to meet China’s demand, in fact, there is not enough iron ore from all other sources in the world to meet Chinese demand,” Mr Tincknell said.

“China’s stockpiles of iron ore are also reportedly now less than they were in July 2019 when analysts were reporting Chinese iron ore port inventories had fallen to their lowest level since October 2017.”

“Again, I call on the Premier to come out and defend out State from the bully.”
That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

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