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Laleh Bakhtiar & Oh the French!
We mourn the passing of Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar, a scholar, a giant who has revolutionized fundamental aspects of the Quran that have bettered women’s lives.
For many progressive Muslims who read the translation of the Quran, the infamous 4:34 or the “wife beating” verse have been an unsettling and sore point. How can a merciful Creator give permission for domestic violence? Along comes Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar, the first woman to offer a gender-neutral and inclusive interpretation of the Quran. Her translation lit up women and human rights groups such as MPV. We are taught that the word “kafir” means “non-believers,” a word often spewed in hateful tones at mosques, when it actually means “the ungrateful.” Dr. Bakhtiar retranslated the word “deraba” from “to beat” to mean “to separate,” which incidentally, was what Prophet Muhammad did in an argument with his wife. Watch a short video of Dr. Bakhtiar explaining her theology of “kafir” and “deraba” here.
Her gift to the world is immeasurable. We vow to honor her by keeping her name visibly referenced in our work.
No to Islamism and to Islamophobia
Again, the fury of Prophet Muhammad cartoons have resulted in deaths. The teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded, two Muslim women stabbed, and three more killed in Nice. MPV in past years have already addressed how blasphemy has no basis in Islam, and that there areenough stories to show that the Prophet never killed anyone for insulting him. As a Muslim organization, that’s where it starts and ends.
The right to ridicule and scorn religion or even the death of a toddler, Aylan, on the shores of Greece, says everything one needs to know about Charlie Hebdo.
The purpose of going to the extent of showing you these images is to show that there is no good side here.
Whether clinging to an absolute doctrine for freedom of speech or the Islamists’ dogmatic and violent aversion to criticism, both sides need to get over their pathetic self-righteousness and arrogance.
To the European politicians: for years I have raised the issue of foreign funding of mosques, to check on hate speech from the pulpit, and the school curriculums that nurture intolerance of “the other.” Your mistake stems from your fear of touching religion and your love for absolute religious freedom. Radicals now have the advantage over you. For real solutions to your problems, involve your Muslim citizens who are vetted and invested in human rights for all. Invest in them.
In America, and at Friday prayers, prominent religious leaders are condemning the killing of the teacher Mr. Paty, and yes, there is always an excuse with these “leaders”...”but the French are such Islamophobes.” Unlike these American imams, here’s a French imam who unapologetically spoke up “this is not Islam, it is not religion, it’s Islamism, it is the poison of Islam.” Please watch and share it!
Given that the “honor” of Islam is being justified with violence on a global scale, our human rights umbrella organization Alliance of Inclusive Muslims, have released this statement in English and in French, which I hope you will read and share.
Onward and upward…
Ani Zonneveld
National Updates
December 10 is International Human Rights Day and we’ll be having our Celebration of Life event featuring Keith Ellison (Attorney General of Minnesota), U.N. Special Rapporteur Karima Bennoune, Blair Imani (MPV Ambassador), performers Sophia Alone and many more! Purchase your virtual event tickets here.
Chapter Updates
As part of her advocacy through educating the public, Ani Zonneveld was invited to speak to the Master program at the Department of Marital & Family Therapy at a local university in Los Angeles. Her talk addressed how the backbone, heart, and soul to living a fulfilling life starts from being able to live out your identity to the fullest. Without realizing it, by creating an inclusive community, one that respected everyone, that in itself is a healing space, alleviating even mental health issues.

On October 29, the MPV-NY team partnered with the DC community for a discussion on Surat al-Imran. Organizers and participants focused on the first seven ayahs of the chapter. These passages are where the Qur'an distinguishes "clear" (muhkamat) from "unclear" or "allegorical" (mutashabihat), touching on the idea of how one should read and interpret the Qur'an. Building on the whole idea of how one should read and interpret the Qur'an and which verses are clear/unclear, we aim to discuss these ideas and passages in the context of many contentious issues among Muslims (e.g. is it obligatory for women to wear hijab, what is the/is there a Qur'anic stance on LGBTQIA+ people, etc.). MPV-NY plans to collaborate with our fellow east coast chapters in late November.
In January, MPV-NY and MPV-Orlando chapter organizers will be facilitating a discussion with scholar, writer, and artist Karimah Rahman of Ryerson University. Ms. Rahman’s research focuses on the intersectional marginalization, lack of representation and anti-Muslim racism towards Muslim Indo-Caribbeans in Indo-Caribbean, indentured diasporic, Indian and South Asian spaces due to problematic purity/”authenticity” politics. Karimah’s research includes the mental health impacts and marginalization of Indo-Caribbeans and the indentured diaspora by mainland South Asians/ Indians from an intersectional perspective. Look for updates in the coming newsletters!
On November 6 , MPV-Boston, is hosting ‘Misogeny, Gender roles & Islam’, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (ET). To RSVP, check out Facebook Page for details. For this event MPV-Boston is so excited to collaborate and co-sponsor this event with MPV-Orlando. Main speaker of this event is Hasnaa Mokhtar. Hasnaa Is a writer, Fulbright alumna, Ph.D. candidate at Clark University, and the special program director at Peaceful Families Project.
After graduating in 2015 with a M.A. in International Development and Social Change, Hasnaa developed a passion for transdisciplinary approaches to addressing gender-based violence in Muslim communities. Her research, writings, and activism focus on amplifying the voices of Muslim women and tackling the injustices of gendered violence. Hasnaa is a storyteller at heart. In 2006, she worked as a journalist in Arab News, and later her articles appeared in several publications including Fortune, Yahoo, Bustle, and Muslim Girl. Previously, Hasnaa served as the executive director of the Center for Nonviolent Solutions in Worcester, MA. Hasnaa is passionate about life, personal growth, spirituality, and everything in between.
On November 6, MPV-Orlando will be co-hosting the ‘Misogeny, Gender roles & Islam’ event with MPV-Boston at 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (ET). To RSVP, check out the Facebook Page for details. This will be the first event to kick off the beginning of our chapter!
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