John -- If the lessons of my life have taught me anything, it's that when life knocks you down, you get right back up. We fought a hard fight and we gave it our all. We came up short, but we should be so proud. I know I am -- and I'm incredibly grateful for you and everything you did to support this team.

Growing up on the farm, I never thought I'd run for Senate. But I got in this race to put our hardworking families first -- and that work doesn't end.

The most important thing I need to say is thank you. No one thought we'd even make it as far as we did, but your support made this whole thing possible. I'm inspired and humbled by the hard work, tireless dedication, and enthusiasm of volunteers, donors, and supporters from every walk of life.

Part of being a scrappy farm kid is picking yourself up when you get knocked down. I will always carry the fight for hardworking families in my heart. There's more work to do, and I'm ready to do it, and if I know anything about this team, I know you are, too.

Thank you, and let's keep fighting -- together.



PO Box 685, Des Moines, IA 50303
Contributions or gifts to Theresa Greenfield for Iowa are not tax deductible.

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