Measure RR has passed with the support of over 70% of voters! This win means that:

  • Caltrain is saved from possible shutdown
  • Riders will get access to more affordable fares, more frequent service
  • Caltrain will electrify its fleet, reducing its already low carbon emissions
  • San Francisco will get more funds to bring back Muni service

This wouldn't have been possible without the grassroots impact of San Francisco Transit Riders and our partners Friends of Caltrain, the Yes of RR Campaign, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and all the other labor, climate and advocacy groups that helped make this measure possible. 

The success of Measure RR makes it clear that voters see transit as an essential part of our Covid-19 recovery. Across the country, the call for transit was just as loud. From Seattle to San Antonio, voters approved thirteen different transit funding measures.

Building on this voter mandate, we can make San Francisco a national model for how cities can rebound from Covid-19 by investing in public transit. Together, we’re coming out of this election with a stronger movement than ever for reliable, affordable, world-class transit for all.

I hope you’ll join us in recommitting to local advocacy and a brighter future. By becoming a member of San Francisco Transit Riders, you'll have a voice in transit advocacy and the future of San Francisco. You'll also get access to exclusive member events like tonight's member-only meeting with SFMTA Board of Directors nominee Manny Yekutiel.


Mark, Cat, Zack, Eric, B-Rod, and Grace

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]
