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Dear John,

We voted. We are waiting. And we are ready.

I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you did to vote, get out the vote, and restore our democratic power. Whether it was volunteering, driving someone to the polls, or simply making sure that every voting-eligible person in your household safely cast their ballot, each of your actions counted. 

Every vote cast on time must count as well. The election isn’t over until that happens. The Ms. Foundation holds our leaders accountable to protect democracy and ensure that no vote is suppressed.  

Even as results come in, we know that it will take more than our elected leadership to finish the work before us. What was true last month is still true today. Women and gender-nonconforming people live without full equity and inclusion. The pandemic rages on, threatening hard-fought wins. Jobs and caregiving are adding up to an unmanageable burden. Folks are lining up at food banks and facing escalating violence in their homes and neighborhoods. And all across the country, particularly through the Midwest and South, the work and leadership of women and girls of color—focused on addressing these problems and much more—is desperately underfunded.

To achieve the dream of a united democracy, we must achieve gender and racial equality. We need to invest in those parts of the country that have been left behind. We need to fund the work of the visionary, feminist leaders who see the way to a better future for us all. The Ms. Foundation will continue to do this, as we have, until this vision is a reality. 

As we wait together on the final results of this election, let’s resolve to finish the job of winning equity and inclusion for all genders. We are standing with you in this, all the way to the end. 

We can do this.

In solidarity, 

Teresa C. Younger

President & CEO

This message was sent by Ms. Foundation for Women
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