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Landmark 5G study by New Hampshire Commission 
Some Good News for a Change

How is everyone doing? These are certainly the 
strangest and most challenging of times. I apologize for not keeping you better informed this year. Amid covid restrictions, protests, wildfires, and a tense election year, our EMF educational efforts have been stymied. However I have some good news for you.

The state of New Hampshire established a legislative commission to study the environmental and health effects of 5G wireless technology in 2019. They recently completed their final report which includes 15 recommendations to raise awareness, educate, promote oversight, and reduce radio frequency radiation. 

I have written a summary of their report to make it easier for people to understand the gist of the report which is over 2000 pages and includes the minutes of all meetings, correspondence, links to more information, etc. 

Here's the Final Report

There is one exception to the recommendations of the Commission, which is their inclusion of the use of optical communications (Lifi) for schools and libraries. As far as we know Lifi has not been proven safe. We support hard-wired connections.

Overall, this report is a model of exemplary action by a state government. Please consider reading and sharing this landmark report with decision makers in your community and state in order to begin the reductions needed to protect people and nature from increasing exposure to RF radiation.

Thank you,
Sandi Maurer
Director, EMF Safety Network. 

PS. Let me know if you want flyers and handouts to distribute. We can mail them to you for free. Include how many flyers/brochures you want and your address. 

EMF Medical Conference January 2021

The EMF Medical Conference 2021, a virtual conference, will convene January 28-31, 2021 to review the latest exposure science. Leading physicians, clinicians, and scientists will conduct presentations on the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF associated illness, and experts in EMF assessment will present proven methods that can prevent or limit EMF exposure hazards.  

The four-day Virtual Conference has been designed to educate and train health practitioners and the general public and will feature global experts including:
  • 31 speakers
  • 7 Interactive Q&A Sessions with Speakers
  • EMF Meter Workshop
This conference has been approved for 16.5 hours of CME. To register or learn more visit https://emfconference2021.com


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