CLUE: Building a Just and

Sacred Society

Dear Friend --

Español abajo

Rally & March to Defend Each Other & Demand Democracy
Saturday, November 7
Meet us at MacArthur Park at 9 AM
or at Pershing Square at 11 AM



On November 7th, Angelenos from all corners of our city are coming out, in cars and on foot, to celebrate our diversity and our unity.

CLUE is part of an alliance of labor unions, community organizations, youth and students groups and advocacy organizations. Join us!

We will come out to demonstrate that we stand together for a just and inclusive California and we will stand together insisting that everyone’s vote counts, and every vote must be counted.

Whatever happens, we are marching --- for our future!

Join us! Bring your PPE, water, and sign

En el 7 de Noviembre, Angelinos de todos los rincones de nuestra ciudad están saliendo, ya sea en automóvil o a pie, para celebrar nuestra diversidad y nuestra unidad. Somos una alianza de sindicatos, organizaciones comunitarias, y grupos de jóvenes y estudiantes.

Saldremos a demostrar que estamos unidos por una California justa e inclusiva.   Nos mantendremos unidos insistiendo en que el voto de todos cuente y que cada voto debe contarse.

¡Únete a nosotros! Traiga su tapabocas, agua y letrero


In faith and solidarity,

Michelle M. Seyler, J.D.

Executive Director

Your donation makes a difference. Donate today!

CLUE: Building a Just and Sacred Society · 464 Lucas Ave, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90017, United States
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