Policy Update
Statements on Advanced Energy and the Election

AEE released two statements on the Nov. 3 national election from CEO Nat Kreamer. On the evening of Election Day, which he called “a banner day for American democracy,” Kreamer said, “Americans have voted in person, by ballot dropbox, and by mail, but one way or another, they made their voice count. I know our industry participated in this election as never before.” He noted the leadership of member companies and clean energy organizations in making Election Day a paid holiday and the launch of AEEVotes to promote voter participation on social media via #cleanenergyvotes. On the day after Election Day, as he noted “the ballots are still being tallied,” Kreamer said, “As we await final results, AEE pledges to work with the next administration and new Congress, as well as states across the nation, to deliver the value of advanced energy for jobs, economic growth, and consumer savings... The American people deserve no less.” See the full Election Day statement here and the day-after statement here.
new from aee
In a new Wholesale Markets Brief, AEE highlights advanced technologies that can help grid operators improve our transmission system but are often overlooked. Topology Control, Dynamic Line Ratings, and Flow Control Devices are among the technologies that can alleviate some transmission problems at lower cost than more towers and wires. Such technologies can improve flexibility and grid resilience, facilitate integration of clean resources, and save consumers and grid operators money, but need FERC to make regulatory changes to ensure fair competition among technology solutions for transmission challenges. Click below to download the new Advanced Transmission Technologies brief, or any of our nine other Wholesale Market Briefs.
Click below to download the new Advanced Transmission Technologies brief, or any of our nine other Wholesale Market Briefs.

on the blog
This is a guest post by Laura Sherman, president of Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council, an AEE state partner.
Last month Gov. Gretchen Whitmer set a goal for Michigan to be carbon-neutral by 2050, a bold move that will bring more jobs and industry to the state. This executive order will continue to increase demand for innovative, business-driven solutions to reduce the impact of climate change. But three decades is a long time, so it may be difficult to imagine how achieving this goal will change Michigan’s economy. Fortunately, though, we do not have to look out into the distant future to see how increasing the use of renewable energy, battery technology to store energy, electric vehicles (EVs) and energy efficiency—some of the advanced energy technologies that will be most important to achieving carbon neutrality—can deliver economic benefits. We can measure the economic growth and jobs that these energy innovations have already brought to Michigan and can continue to bring—not in 10, 20 or 30 years, but right now. Continue reading on the blog. >
AEE Webinars
Live on Thursday, November 12, at 3p ET / 12 PT
In its landmark Order No. 2222, FERC requires all Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators (RTOs/ISOs) to remove barriers to wholesale market participation by aggregated distributed energy resources (DERs). This means that DERs – including distributed solar, energy storage, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, demand response, and more – will be able to bid into wholesale energy, ancillary services, and capacity markets according to their technical capabilities. While holding enormous potential for DER providers and aggregators to enter new markets with new business models, Order No. 2222 sets out numerous compliance requirements, which the RTOs/ISOs will have to decide how to meet, subject to FERC approval. The results of that process will ultimately determine the scale of this market opportunity for advanced energy businesses. This AEE webinar will break down FERC’s Order and examine the questions that DER developers, utilities, and grid operators will have to grapple with as they put Order No. 2222 into practice.
- Jeff Dennis, Managing Director and General Counsel, AEE (moderator)
- Bruce Campbell, Director of Regulatory Affairs, CPower
- Christopher Hargett, Energy Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Consolidated Edison
- Kristin Swenson, Senior Advisor, Market Development, Midcontinent Independent System Operator
Learn all about FERC Order No. 2222 and how this landmark decision can affect your business.
Featured online events
AEE and Arizona Public Service (APS) have been working together to identify ways to help APS achieve its ambitious goals for clean energy and electrification of the transportation sector. Launched in October 2019, the Arizona Clean Energy Future project brought together 15 AEE member companies representing an array of technologies to work directly with APS staff members and develop a suite of products and services to support APS’s goals. Through this unique external product development process, AEE and APS have evaluated a range of innovative concepts and prioritized those that would be most beneficial for APS customers, the grid, and the broader Arizona region. In this session, AEE’s Lisa Frantzis, who led the project, will talk with Jeff Guldner, CEO of APS and its parent company, Pinnacle West, about Arizona Clean Energy Future and then broaden the discussion to include corporate leaders from participating companies. Register here for the second session of our three-part virtual conference.
Tune in to the 100% virtual Texas Energy Summit over five afternoons (Nov. 10-12 and Nov. 17-18), including networking, 2.5 hours of plenary and breakout session content each day. At 2 p.m. CT, there will be a keynote and/or plenary panel followed by 3-4 breakouts on topics introduced in the plenary. Panelists include TAEBA's Suzanne Bertin and Claire Alford! The Summit organizers focus content on improving air quality and growing the Texas economy through expansion of renewable energy, transportation electrification, industrial innovation, and energy efficiency. For more information and to register, we encourage you to click here!
Join the Energy Storage Assocation after the 2020 elections and learn how the energy storage industry will continue its growth trajectory with newly elected (and re-elected) officials. This timely webinar will review the impact of election outcomes on federal and state legislative and regulatory efforts, laying out objectives for action by the energy storage and clean energy industry. Speakers, including AEE's J.R. Tolbert, will discuss how the storage industry can prepare for 2021 to inform advocacy, policy and legislative proposals in the next Congress and Administration, as well as in states of priority interest. Register for the event here!