I was appalled to learn that between May 2018 and May 2019, the Department of Education, under Devos’s leadership, rejected 99 percent of applications to a federal student loan forgiveness program tailored to folks who’ve worked in public service and made loan payments for at least 10 years.


Friend, as the daughter of a lifelong teacher and a doctor (one of the first women to graduate from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine), I believe that a quality education should be within reach for every American—and that we should remove as many obstacles as possible to obtaining one.

Unfortunately, Betsy DeVos doesn’t seem to agree. I was appalled to learn that between May 2018 and May 2019, the Department of Education, under DeVos’s leadership, rejected 99 percent of applications to a federal student loan forgiveness program tailored to folks who’ve worked in public service and made loan payments for at least 10 years. (That’s first responders, teachers, social workers—people who’ve spent a decade or more of their career giving back to the community.) This is the opposite of what we should be doing in America.

Higher education should open the door to a brighter future—not keep people locked in debt for decades. If you agree, sign my petition and tell Betsy DeVos: start forgiving the student debt of hardworking Americans who’ve earned it.


Check out this tweet by one of the rejected applicants:

Lori's Tweet

As she mentions, one of the most painful parts of this whole debacle is that the vast majority of applications were rejected on technicalities. Applicants weren’t made aware of key rules—and missed out on funds that were specifically allocated for forgiving their debts.

Our government is failing folks like her. That won’t fly on my watch. Mitch McConnell and the Senate refuse to intervene as Betsy DeVos and this Department of Education break our society’s promise to thousands of our fellow Americans, but I won’t—you can count on it.

If you believe that hardworking, service-oriented Americans deserve a better shot at a future free of student debt, let’s send Betsy DeVos a message—add your name to our petition.

Thank you,