Friend, we've got big news: Joe Biden has won Michigan.

We've been putting in the hard work for the last few years, listening to, registering, and turning out voters in Michigan — and last night, that hard work paid off. We've had impressive, record-breaking turnout here in Michigan and across the country.

Something is stirring in America. You can feel it — in the bluest counties and the reddest, too, and in rural towns and industrial communities. While the numbers are being verified, what can't be denied is we made history, and we can't let anyone subvert the will of the people.

Folks, it is essential that every vote is counted nationwide and that Republicans don't control the message on election results. That's why we're setting a $50,000 goal to fund our Voter Protection team and potential legal costs.

Will you chip in $10 to help us fight back against Republicans' misinformation regarding the vote count?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Making sure every single ballot is counted properly and legally in the coming days is our number one priority. When all votes are counted nationwide, it will become apparent that America chose Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their president and vice president.

But we know Republicans are going to use every dirty trick in the book to try to throw out legitimate votes and steal this election. The bottom line is that the outcome of this election will be decided by the people, not the candidates. And this election is not over until every last vote is counted in every single state.

Will you chip in $10 or more to our Voter Protection team? We're racing to raise $50,000 to make sure every vote is fairly counted.

Thanks for all you do,

Lavora Barnes
Chair, Michigan Democratic Party

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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

*Contributions to the Michigan Democratic Party are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution will be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Federal law requires political committees to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year. If you no longer want to hear from MDP, click here to unsubscribe. Questions or concerns? Contact us here